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Friday, May 04, 2012
Guest Blog by Sen. Tim Keller and Dede Feldman: ‘Getting Things Done’ for CD-1
It’s that time again, one month before a crowded Dem primary and the negativity, Dem vs Dem, is starting to fly on the airwaves, on our mailboxes and on our computer screen. As we talk with folks in our district, you can feel the increasing irritation folks have as everything crescendos to June 5th.
This year with a three-way congressional and two way senate race, let’s hope we can avoid one of primary reasons politicians are less popular than any other profession in our society. For those of us in Albuquerque, the CD-1 race is already filling with all sorts of claims.
Another claim is the “doesn’t get things done” attack against Eric Griego. As colleagues, we know Eric’s record, and we know that he has never stopped fighting for New Mexicans -- not only “to get things done,” but to get the right things done.
We have both been fortunate to pass several bills up in Santa Fe, but we know it can take a small army to pass a bill. It takes the leadership from both houses coordinating the process, it takes committee chairs assuring a hearing, and it takes outspoken liberals who help to strengthen the negotiating hand for sponsors who get work done.
There is a reason why multiple legislators in CD-1, including both of us, have strongly endorsed Eric for Congress. For four years Eric Griego has been the progressive spear tip who helps legislators like me to get workable solutions into law.
It might not show up in the bill sponsor logs, but Senators know Griego even crosses the aisle. It was Eric who brought Albuquerque Dems, the Governor and GOP Senators together on 2011 funding vote for the Paseo interchange!
The other attack we hear a lot is “elect me, because candidate A and B can’t win the general election.” Given where redistricting took CD-1, recent performance of Obama and Heinrich, and an uninspired CD-1 GOP, we believe any one of the three candidates will win in November. We love passionate debates and action packed campaigns, but bitter infighting will drive down Dem turnout; and that is what will cost Dems the general election regardless of who wins the primary.
If you’re tired of all the negativity, and tired of politicians, there is clarity: vote for sure, shun the political games, pick a Dem based on your conscience, on their action plan to: create jobs, champion renewable energy and fight for social justice. Save your vehemence for the general and unite behind the Dem winner June 6th.
May 4, 2012 at 03:50 PM in Candidates & Races, Democrat, Eric Griego, Guest Blogger, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Tim Keller | Permalink
Well said. It's too bad Griego's opponents, especially Chavez, seems hell-bent on negative attacks against Griego, even as Griego continues to stay positive.
Posted by: Downtown Progressive | May 5, 2012 8:06:21 PM
It's important to remember that candidates generally attack their opponents because they think they're losing, especially in primary elections. Otherwise they focus on themselves and their own agendas.
Posted by: Proud Democrat | May 6, 2012 7:01:09 PM