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Saturday, May 12, 2012
A Guest Blog from Christine Trujillos Daughter Candidate for HD 25
Christine Trujillo above at one of her many rally/marches. Fighting for our children.
I’m Christine’s daughter.
Since I was very young I knew that my mom had a passion for advocacy and social justice. When I was little I didn’t understand it and so it sometimes bothered me – We hardly ever seemed to have a week or weekEND without a meeting or a rally. It seemed like we were always doorknocking or licking stamps and envelopes for people like Bruce King and Jeff Bingaman and Danice Picraux and at the dinner table we’d often have guests in the form of community friends who needed advice, or fellow teachers collaborating on new ideas for their students, or even students or young women who she was mentoring through various organizations. She “dragged” me to meetings for the Human Rights Coalition and MANA de Albuquerque, and rallies with Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta.
I didn’t understand it then. Why couldn’t our family be, well, NORMAL? It took me a while but I finally realized that my mother had a commitment to bettering our community that was pretty darn special. Her hard work, her commitment? She was doing it for me and my siblings. She was doing it for her students. She was doing it because we all want to see our communities thrive. We all want to prosper and to see our fellow man do so as well.
I am so proud of my mother for teaching me that we all have a stake in this and it is our right and even our duty to participate in the process. And now that I am a mother with a daughter who I “drag” to
doorknocking/meetings/rallies, I’m so grateful to my mother for teaching me the importance of community. I understand it now.
Thanks, mom. -Michelle
Please support her campaign by helping us door knock, making calls or making a donation. Those of you who have already done so, THANK YOU. We couldn't have gotten this far without your help. If you're interested in doorknocking please call me at (505) 730-0755 or call Christine at (505) 503-8600 for more info. Donate here: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/ctrujillo
May 12, 2012 at 02:30 PM in 2012 Legislature Races, Education, Guest Blogger | Permalink
I can't think of a nicer Mothers' Day Gift than this letter about Christine Trujillo from her daughter.
Christine has shown by example the path to community action.
As my Mom has passed along, and despite Christine being younger than me, I extend this Happy Mothers Day wish to Christine, from all of us 'kids' you fight for.
Posted by: Bruce | May 12, 2012 4:10:38 PM