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Friday, April 13, 2012

Marci Blaze Heats Up District 23 House Race

Democratic Candidate Reports Almost $15,000 for First Primary Reporting Period

Formal Launch for Blaze Campaign Slated for 4/22

CORRALES, NM (April 10, 2012) – Marci Blaze, a candidate on the Democratic ballot for the New Mexico House of Representatives, District 23, announced today that her formal campaign launch event will take place on Sunday, April 22. This announcement comes on the heels of the Secretary of State’s posting of candidate finances for the First Primary Reporting Period, where the contributions to Blaze’s campaign were nearly six times that of her nearest Democratic competitor.

“I want to thank all my supporters and contributors for their dedication. Their hard work has made this candidacy possible for me,” Blaze says. “I’m in this election because I don’t back down from a fight. Some of our elected officials are trying to take us back to the failed policies of our predecessors. I care deeply about New Mexico and will work to change how government and business operate, to make sure they are responsive to the needs of our residents.”

Blaze moved to New Mexico in 2007, after having honeymooned here in 1986. She is a 35-year veteran of the public relations industry and serves as a business development, marketing and public relations consultant for businesses and other marketing firms. Operating as Four Alarm Marketing, she focuses on solidifying brands, enhancing images, growing practices and increasing sales for her clients.

“I love the field of marketing and have particularly enjoyed bringing my expertise in this area to the non-profits I’ve served in New Mexico,” she points out. She serves on the Board of Directors of Animal Humane New Mexico and co-chaired their Artists for the Animals event. She also served on the Board of Haven House, a shelter for battered women and children in Rio Rancho, where she headed up the Purple Ribbon Initiative and worked with the New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation, Chocolate Fantasy Auction.

Blaze and her husband invest in and manage affordable rental properties in Rio Rancho and Albuquerque.

While Blaze has not held elected office, she is a successful entrepreneur with outstanding leadership skills and a proven record for creative thinking. She states that she is running for the House seat to:

The Campaign to Elect Marci Blaze will host an invitation-only event during the evening of Sunday, April 22, to officially introduce Blaze and set in motion the team’s plans to win the Democratic primary for District 23 on June 5.

For more information about Marci Blaze, or to donate to the campaign fund, please visit

April 13, 2012 at 11:39 AM in 2012 Legislature Races, Candidates & Races, Democrat | Permalink


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