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Thursday, April 12, 2012
Attorney General Asked to Investigate Dona Ana DA Campaign Practices
Alleged violations of campaign finance laws by DA who said “I will not pick and choose the laws I will follow”
New Mexico Attorney General Gary King has been asked to initiate an investigation into campaign practices by Dona Ana County District Attorney Amy Orlando after a mailer and her website were identified as violating New Mexico’s campaign finance laws.
As Dona Ana County District Attorney, Amy Orlando is used to seeing the inside of a courtroom. But a recent political mailer from her campaign may give her a totally new perspective: that of criminal defendant.
A recent mailer from Orlando to prospective voters and supporters failed to disclose the name of the person or group behind printing the mailer. Similarly, her campaign website, www.amyorlandoda.com, fails to disclose the person or group responsible for paying for and publishing the site. According to New Mexico law (NMSA 1-19-16), failing to disclose either the printer of mailers or persons responsible for paying for campaign advertising and communications is a fourth-degree felony, punishable by up to 18-months in jail.
Just last week, Orlando told the Las Cruces Sun-News, “[a]s district attorney, I can not and will not pick and choose which laws I will follow.” Ironically, under the law, Orlando is responsible for investigating and prosecuting violations of this type.
On Thursday, ProgressNow New Mexico formally requested that Attorney General Gary King launch in inquiry into Orlando’s campaign practices.
The mailer is an invitation to attend a fundraiser headlined by Governor Susana Martinez on Friday.
Orlando was handpicked by Governor Susana Martinez, the former Dona Ana County District Attorney, to succeed her in the post after Martinez was sworn-in as governor in 2011.
A review of campaign finance reports on file with the Secretary of State show a March 10, 2012 expenditure to Zia Printing of Santa Fe for “Campaign Materials.” It is not clear if this is the printer for the illegal mailer. Neither of Orlando’s campaign finance reports lists expenditures for website expenses.
Copies of the mailer, and the letter to the Attorney General are available on the ProgressNow New Mexico website at https://www.progressnownm.org/blog/2012/04/irony-alert-district-attorney-runs-afoul-of-election-laws.html
April 12, 2012 at 06:19 PM in Dona Ana County, Las Cruces, Legal Issues, ProgressNow New Mexico, Susana Martinez | Permalink
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