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Friday, March 09, 2012
DFNM Meetup Members Endorse Eric Griego for the CD1 Primary Candidate
Back on December 16, 2011 DFNM-meetup sent a request to their members to vote for the candidate for CD1 which they would want the group to endorse. DFA (Democracy for America) had just finished their endorsement process for our New Mexico CD1. DFA wanted to be fair and have the local DFA-DFNM group have our own poll and have our own voice of endorsement. So on Dec. 16 we sent out the following URGENT email to our members, the vote was due back to DFNM by Dec. 18.
The late poll announcement is "Eric Griego is and was the clear winner of the DFNM Meetup poll."
Below is the email that was sent out:
Your Assistant Organizer, Mary Ellen, sent the following message to members of The ABQ Democracy for America-Democracy for NM Meetup Group:
URGENT: DFNM Meetup Group Endorsement Poll for Congressional District 1 Democratic Primary 2012 Greetings.
Recently the national group Democracy for America conducted a NM-1 poll asking who their members are supporting as a candidate for the Democratic Primary for Congress.
Now the DFA-DFNM Meetup group is asking you to take part in a poll of our active Meetup members on whom you are supporting for the Congressional Race for CD1. As you may know we have three great candidates:
Marty Chavez; https://www.martychavez.com/
Eric Griego; https://griegoforcongress.com/
Michelle Lujan Grisham; https://michellelujangrisham.net/
HOW TO VOTE: This poll is only being sent to DFNM Meetup members who have been active on the Meetup website in the last three months, and only these active members can participate.
You must reply back to this email with your chosen candidate, as well as your first and last name, BY 6:00 PM MST ON SUNDAY DECEMBER 18, 2011.
Thank you for taking the time to help shape Democracy in New Mexico.
To visit The ABQ Democracy for America-Democracy for NM Meetup Group, go here: https://www.meetup.com/dfa-160/
New Mexico Senator Eric Griego received 100% of the vote. One hundred percent! DFNM had never had such a clear endorsement.
Why didn’t we announce this great news for our members who they endorsed? Because Barb passed away at noon on December 18th, the day the poll was to finish at 6pm and to be finalized and announced. DFNM explained to the Griego campaign the result of the poll. DFNM preferred the endorsement from DFNM would not be announced so as Barb’s passing would be unfettered by any anger, disappointment, or negative energies. For wherever the soul goes it has gone now and it is fair to the DFNM group to make this announcement.
The Griego campaign was very sympathetic and agreed to whatever DFNM wanted to do as far as releasing the endorsement results of our local DFNM Meetup. The Griego campaign released their DFA endorsement on December 20.
The DFNM meetup members have asked for the results of this poll several times in the past weeks. We have compiled just a few quotes from our members:
“I have watched Eric Griego’s progressive work in the State Senate the past two years, and am impressed with endorsements he has gathered, some from organizations in which I am active, including Democracy for America and the Progressive Democrats of America as well as well as stellar local and national environmental groups. But I want to make this statement more personal by saying that I also support Eric Griego for his understanding and support for two of my biggest concerns. New Mexico needs Eric to fight to reverse Citizens United and initiate strong campaign finance reform on the national scene. And our military veterans and their families need his voice in Washington in support of their varied, extreme and long lasting needs. Eric Griego understands what America owes its veterans as only someone growing up in a family with a rich military history can. I strongly support Eric Griego as my Representative for Congressional District 1.” ~ Lisa Franzen
“In the race for US Congress, District 1 in New Mexico, we can elect Eric Griego! He has always stood strong for ethics and campaign finance reform--so critical after Citizen's United. We can really trust him to represent our issues in Washington.” ~ Barbara Grothus
“Eric Griego has the experience, the heart, and the passion we need. He won’t bend his principles as the wind changes. He’s hard working, smart and energetic. Eric has my vote.” ~ Peter Moulson
”I support Eric Griego for CD1 Democratic candidate.” ~ Barbara Wold (Sent from my iPad on 12/16 5:48pm) The founder of this Blog and co-founder of DFNM Meetup. And My best friend partner lover soulmate, her last endorsement before leaving the planet.
March 9, 2012 at 10:34 AM in Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM Polls, Eric Griego, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012 | Permalink
After the ordeal of the Convention and finally being able to cast a vote, I have not been able to find vote results on the DPNM site or elsewhere I understand that Griego won, but I would like to know the tally of this and other races. I am in Gallup and voted for Ben Ray Lujan. Not sure how that and the judgeship and the Senate outcome went.
Posted by: Bill Monroe | Mar 11, 2012 10:23:36 AM
Did you see it on DFNM this morning about 11:30?
The results were on another blog, NM Capitol Report, about 7:30 last night.
It was also on Capitol Report New Mexico https://www.capitolreportnewmexico.com/?p=8612 last night.
And on the Democratic Party of New Mexico's Facebook page midday today.
Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Mar 11, 2012 6:42:03 PM