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Friday, January 27, 2012

Statement From Senator Lovejoy Regarding Republican Hurtful Words Said at Water Rights Hearing

LindaLovejoy2Senator Lynda M. Lovejoy (D) (Navajo) from Crownpoint, New Mexico released the following statement.

I am saddened by the comments attributed to State Representative Candy Ezzell (R-Roswell) and Representative Don Bratton (R-Hobbs) regarding Native Americans in this state. Our people have suffered centuries of displacement, isolation, cultural denial and disenfranchisement remedied only through treaty and contract that some seem to deny now.

It disappoints me that in this day and age in a state like New Mexico where we have such diverse groups that some are still uneducated about each other’s cultures. We marked Anti-Racism Day in New Mexico only yesterday, yet comments like those by Representatives Ezzell and Bratton show we still have a long way to go in understanding and respecting each other.

Native American elders paid a heavy price for the consideration and benefits provided by the Federal Government. These are treaty and contract agreements that have been re-affirmed repeatedly by Congress and the courts. Claiming that Native Peoples have no claim to water infrastructure on their own mother lands is a denial of the rights and obligations we have earned and fought for.

Arrangements for supplying water are a small consideration, not an addiction, guaranteed by the Federal Government to Native Americans for our historic displacement and treatment. We need to put a stop to words that keep dividing us.

January 27, 2012 at 06:17 AM in Native Americans, NM Legislature 2012, Water Issues | Permalink


Sadly, racism is a feature of our culture, and more sadly, it is promoted by the uneducated remarks such as those you mention, and others we hear in "the public square."

We all need to work hard and work together to find a better way forward.

Glad to see your post.

Posted by: bg | Jan 27, 2012 9:07:12 AM

Well said, Senator Lovejoy. I am deeply hurt when our "leaders" make racist, ugly remarks. What has become of common decency and civility? Thank you for this lovely post.

Posted by: Cara Valente-Compton | Jan 27, 2012 11:45:44 AM

Thank you for the positive response and advocating. It is a shame to hear politicians make such remarks as such about Native Americans. I hope their remarks will ponder in their minds, everytime they drink a glass of water - as water is the necessity for all human/animal life.
Such remarks are uncalled for and an embarassment to the Southwest.

Posted by: NDNtgurl | Jan 28, 2012 2:46:22 PM

If anybody watched the video, Candy Ezzell is criticizing the federal government. She is critical of the federal government's spending habits. No where does she mention Native people, or any particular tribe. Please check your facts, Senator Lynda M. Lovejoy.

Posted by: Michael | Jan 28, 2012 6:55:20 PM

The fact of the matter is that at the hearing where Ezzell said the racist statement she did refer to Native Americans having a cocaine like habit to federal spending dollars others were there to hear it. As you can see the video was recorded out of the committee hearing room. Sen. Lovejoy had more facts then you know in reality.

Posted by: Ron | Jan 28, 2012 10:00:07 PM

Lynda Lovejoy is in NO POSITION to even begin criticizing others about making hateful, racists, comments, especially when she has a shameful and hypocritical record of doing so herself, especially against gays and lesbians.

1. Lynda Lovejoy Compares Gays and Lesbians to Disabled Children: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOZpU91oBBs

2. Lynda Lovejoy Accuses the Navajo Nation Vice President of Being Gay after losing the 2010 Navajo Nation Presidential Election: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es7HYB18_5M&feature=related

Posted by: Thomas Johnson | Jan 30, 2012 11:15:36 AM

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