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Friday, January 06, 2012
Happy 100th Birthday to the Great State of New Mexico
January 6, 1912 - New Mexico is admitted to the Union and is the 47th State of the United States. Today at 11:35AM we are supposed to blow our horns and make a collective racket in Celebration of the .
The images above are both taken in 1912. The image on the left is an aerial image of Albuquerque, and the image on the right is an aerial image of NYC. Myself as an easterner have always marveled over the difference in development of areas of this country and that it is not taken more into account. After all you would not expect your baby brother, 124 years younger than you, to be as mature and wise as you are. When I am home visiting I walk by structures dated late 1700's and I picture Santa Fe streets at that time.
I found two historic time-lines that I think are fascinating. One for New Mexico and the other for New York. It is interesting to see what was being done in both areas of this country around the same time. But I think this historic fact is the most exciting, the first entry in the NM time-line is "25000 B.C. Sandia people leave earliest evidence of human existence in what is now New Mexico". So that blew the theory of being a younger brother.
I found other interesting facts that happened in 1912 just to have some bearings: Woody Guthrie was born in July 1912. Fenway Park home of the Boston Redsox was opened in 1912. The unsinkable Titanic sunk in April of 1912. War was alive and well with The Balkans War beginning. Carl Jung published his 'Theory of Psychoanalysis'. The Girl Scouts were founded in 1912.
And lastly I found this interesting trivia which is for the entire country for the year 1912:
New Births:2,855,000
Federal spending: $0.69 billion
Unemployment: 4.6%
DOW Average: 87.87
Average Income (year): $1,033
New Home (median price):2,750
New Car (average cost):$941
Gas (gallon):7¢
Stamp: 2¢
Bacon (pound):24¢
Bread (loaf):5¢
Butter (pound): 37¢
Eggs (dozen):34¢
Milk (quart):9¢
Sugar (pound): 7¢
Steak (pound): 23¢
There are many events planned to celebrate this milestone. Please check out the New Mexico Centennial website to learn about coming events and other interesting information about this Great State of New Mexico.
January 6, 2012 at 12:22 AM in Events, History | Permalink
Hmm, the cost of a house less than three times the avg. income for a year.
Good take, MEB! Original, and thoughtful. Love the timelines!
Posted by: bg | Jan 6, 2012 7:07:47 PM