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Tuesday, November 29, 2011
LCV Action Fund Endorses Eric Griego for Congress (NM-1)
The following press release was issued by the Eric Griego for Congress Campaign:
Today, NM-1 Democratic congressional candidate Eric Griego is thrilled to announce his endorsement by the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Action Fund, one of the nation’s leading environmental advocacy organizations. Griego is one of the first House endorsements of the 2012 cycle from the national League of Conservation Voters (LCV).
With the LCV Action Fund endorsement, Griego now has the support of the two largest political spending national environmental groups, including the Sierra Club.
Statement by Gene Karpinski, President of LCV Action Fund
“Eric Griego has demonstrated that he cares deeply about curbing harmful pollution and building a clean energy economy,” said Gene Karpinski, president of the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund. “We’re proud to endorse Eric Griego for Congress because we know that he’ll fight for a cleaner, safer New Mexico by standing up to corporate polluters and making them pay their fair share. In Congress, Eric will be more than just another vote for clean energy policies; he'll be a champion for a clean energy future.”
Statement by Eric Griego, Democrat for New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District
“LCV Action Fund’s endorsement recognizes my proven record as State Senator and Albuquerque City Councilor of supporting investments to create the clean energy jobs of tomorrow in the great State of New Mexico. As Congressman, I will continue to fight for bold investments to turn the U.S. into the world leader in clean energy and create manufacturing jobs. I believe that creating 21st century clean energy jobs is important, as is protecting the health of future generations."
Read about my record on our new website. While you’re there, check out some of the ways that you can get involved:
- Join 2,000 other supporters by signing my new petition to the Republican candidates in the race. Let’s get them on the record choosing between keeping the Bush tax cuts for the richest 1% or protecting Social Security and Medicare from cuts.
No matter your level of support, every bit helps in this grassroots, people-powered campaign.
Thank you for your commitment to bold progressive change for New Mexico and our nation.
Eric Griego
Democrat for New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District
November 29, 2011 at 03:22 PM in Energy, Environment, Eric Griego, Green Economy, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012 | Permalink