Martin Heinrich

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New Ad Released Exposing MittyMitt's Lack of Consistency on Core Issues

From the Democratic Party of New Mexico; Albuquerque N.M. one of six markets where “Trapped” television ad is airing  

On November 28, 2011the Democratic National Committee released a hard-hitting web video highlighting Mitt Romney’s stunning inability to maintain a single position or establish core principles on a range of issues for any reasonable period of time.  In conjunction with the release of the web video, the DNC also released a new television spot “Trapped," further highlighting Mitt's willingness to say or do anything to win the Presidency.

The ad is airing in 6 key markets, including New Mexico: 

The TV ad is a trailer for the longer, must-see video: “ The story of two men trapped in one body.” Both can be found on the DNC'S new website, - Giving the public an in-depth view of Mitt Romney's ideological struggle against himself on issues from the economy and immigration to a woman's right to choose and workers' rights.

“The new ad makes a strong point: Mitt Romney is a chronic waffler who lacks the strong principles and ethical compass that is required of candidates for the highest office in the land. No matter how hard he tries to deceive and mislead New Mexicans on his positions, we will continue to hold him accountable to his own record.” said Democratic Party of New Mexico Chairman Javier M. Gonzales.

"Mitt Romney has literally reversed himself - sometimes within the same day - on immigration, TARP, abortion, the stimulus, healthcare reform and more, but New Mexicans aren't buying Romney 2.0 anymore than they were before."

The ad also launches in Raleigh-Durham, NC; Columbus, OH; Pittsburgh, PA; Washington, DC; and Milwaukee, WI on a mix of broadcast and cable. 

Please visit the website at

November 30, 2011 at 06:51 PM in 2012 Presidential Race, Mitt Romney, Political Ads, Republican Party | |

12/5: Norman Finkelstein to Speak on the Palestinian Occupation at UNM on Monday


Author and Political Scientist Norman Finkelstein to Speak at UNM, Student Union Building (SUB) Ballroom A and B. Monday, December 5, 2011:  from 5:45-7:00 pm.  Doors open at 5:15 pm. 

This event is FREE but donations will be accepted and will go toward supporting future SJP-UNM educational events regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The Students for Justice in Palestine-UNM (SJP-UNM) is pleased to announce that Norman Finkelstein, political scientist, activist and author will be speaking on the University of New Mexico campus, Finkelstein will speak about the occupation of Palestine and other developments regarding Palestine’s prospects for statehood and peace.

Norman Finkelstein received his doctorate in 1988 from the Department of Politics at Princeton University. For many years he taught political theory and has written and spoken publicly on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Finkelstein is the author of six books that have been translated into more than 40 foreign editions: This Time We Went Too Far: Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion; Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History; The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering; Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict; A Nation on Trial: The Goldhagen Thesis and Historical Truth (with Ruth Bettina Birn); and The Rise and Fall of Palestine: A Personal Account of the Intifada Years. 

Finkelstein has also published several pamphlets, most recently, Goldstone Recants. He is currently working on a new book entitled Knowing Too Much: Why the American Jewish Love Affair with Israel is Coming to an End.  Finkelstein currently writes and lectures. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

This event is sponsored by the Students for Justice in Palestine-UNM (SJP-UNM) and made possible by Lannan Foundation.  Other campus and community organizations collaborating in this presentation include: the Muslim Students Association-UNM (MSA-UNM); the UNM Peace Studies Program; BDS-NM; the Coalition to Stop $30 billion to Israel; and the Friends of Sabeel Albuquerque (FOSA).

For more information, please email or call 505-246-2231.

November 30, 2011 at 05:28 PM in Current Affairs, Events, Middle East | Permalink | Comments (0)

Founding Member of Our Bodies, Our Selves Will Visit NM To Celebrate 40th Anniversary and Talk about Women’s Health

An interesting event happening tonight at UNM.

When:  November 30, 2011 7:00-8:30pm

Where:  Dane Smith Hall Room 125, University of New Mexico Campus

Contact:  Giovanna Rossi, 505-620-6030 or Rebecca Vanucci, 215-820-3673

Judy Norsigian, founder and Executive Director of Our Bodies, Ourselves, will talk about the legacy of women’s health.  In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the first edition of Our Bodies, Ourselves, Judy Norsigian will discuss the new edition of the book as well as the status of women’s health today. 

Event is sponsored by:

This event is FREE and open to the public. 

Light refreshments will be served. 

Parking on the University of New Mexico campus is free after 6PM and parking is available near Dane Smith Hall off of Las Lomas Blvd.

Quick Facts: 

November 30, 2011 at 02:44 PM in Events, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Heinrich Applauds Progress On New Tribal Land Rules To Expedite Home Building And Energy Development

220px-Martin_HeinrichThe following is a press release from U.S. Rep. Martin Heinrich's office.

U.S Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-1) applauds the Department of the Interior for proposing a rule to modify regulations governing the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ (BIA) process for approving the lease of lands the federal government holds in trust for tribes and individuals. The proposed reform identifies specific processes – with enforceable timelines – through which the BIA must review leases. The regulation establishes separate, simplified processes for residential, business, and renewable energy development, so that, for example, a lease for a single family home is distinguished from a large solar energy project.

“I am pleased that the Department of the Interior and the Administration recognizes the critical need to streamline the approval process for housing, commercial development, and renewable energy projects in Indian Country,” said Rep. Heinrich. “Representing tens of thousands of Native Americans in central New Mexico and working closely with the leadership of our surrounding tribes, I know well that Native American leaders want what we all do: to secure the well-being of their people, to advance their opportunity, and to create good jobs and spur economic growth. The role of federal government should be to partner with them in advancing those goals, not be an impediment or point of contention.”

Since 2009, Rep. Heinrich has championed legislation to reform Indian land leasing regulations to streamline the approval process for home ownership, expedite economic development, and spur renewable energy development in Indian Country. The bill, the Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Homeownership (HEARTH) Act, unanimously passed the House Committee on Natural Resources on November 17, 2011.

Specifically, the HEARTH Act would expedite the lease approval process by allowing tribal governments to approve trust land leases directly, rather than waiting for approval from the BIA. 

“We can put the dream of owning a home or business on tribal land within reach of Native families,” said Rep. Heinrich. “This bill would cut through bureaucratic red tape and open doors to homeownership for Native American families in New Mexico and across the country and spur economic development in Indian Country.”

Rep. Heinrich’s legislation has widespread support from pueblos, tribes and housing organizations across the country. “The HEARTH Act of 2011 will go a long way in strengthening tribal self-determination and tribal economies at the same time. We know the time frame for individual tribal members to receive a home-site lease is arduous and can be as long as three years under the current Bureau of Indian Affairs process, but we anticipate that these improvements in leasing and enhanced tribal control over surface leasing will help more tribal members get into homes quick,” said National American Indian Housing Council Chairwoman Cheryl A. Causley. “The NAIHC strongly supports the HEARTH Act of 2011 because it respects and fosters Indian tribal decision-making, expedites what can often be lengthy Federal administrative processes, and will improve the delivery of Federal housing assistance and expand economic opportunity in tribal communities.”

November 29, 2011 at 05:02 PM in Native Americans, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | |

LCV Action Fund Endorses Eric Griego for Congress (NM-1)

The following press release was issued by the Eric Griego for Congress Campaign:

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Today, NM-1 Democratic congressional candidate Eric Griego is thrilled to announce his endorsement by the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Action Fund, one of the nation’s leading environmental advocacy organizations.  Griego is one of the first House endorsements of the 2012 cycle from the national League of Conservation Voters (LCV).

With the LCV Action Fund endorsement, Griego now has the support of the two largest political spending national environmental groups, including the Sierra Club.

Statement by Gene Karpinski, President of LCV Action Fund

“Eric Griego has demonstrated that he cares deeply about curbing harmful pollution and building a clean energy economy,” said Gene Karpinski, president of the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund.  “We’re proud to endorse Eric Griego for Congress because we know that he’ll fight for a cleaner, safer New Mexico by standing up to corporate polluters and making them pay their fair share.  In Congress, Eric will be more than just another vote for clean energy policies; he'll be a champion for a clean energy future.”

Statement by Eric Griego, Democrat for New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District

“LCV Action Fund’s endorsement recognizes my proven record as State Senator and Albuquerque City Councilor of supporting investments to create the clean energy jobs of tomorrow in the great State of New Mexico.  As Congressman, I will continue to fight for bold investments to turn the U.S. into the world leader in clean energy and create manufacturing jobs. I believe that creating 21st century clean energy jobs is important, as is protecting the health of future generations."

Read about my record on our new website. While you’re there, check out some of the ways that you can get involved:

No matter your level of support, every bit helps in this grassroots, people-powered campaign.
Thank you for your commitment to bold progressive change for New Mexico and our nation.

Eric Griego
Democrat for New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District

November 29, 2011 at 03:22 PM in Energy, Environment, Eric Griego, Green Economy, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)

12/7: Join Rep. Mimi Stewart for a Holiday-Get-Together and Fundraiser!


Holiday mimi  Mimi



Friends and Supporters! 

You are invited to join us for a 

Holiday-Get-Together and Fundraiser

Supporting my Re-election Campaign. 

at the lovely home of
Bruce Thomson and Phyllis Taylor
1018 Idlewilde Lane SE, ABQ
Wednesday, December 7 - 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Hosted by:
Speaker of the House Ben Lujan
Susan Hamilton ♦ Allen and Andrea Steele ♦ Diane Wood
David Duhigg ♦ Jack Cloud ♦ Sandra Sublett ♦ Juliana Koob ♦ Ken Betzen ♦ Dave Schmidt ♦ Peter Mallory ♦ Neri Holguin ♦ Richard Lindahl ♦ Dominic Silva ♦ Joe Thompson ♦ Marc Saavedra ♦ Natasha Ning  ♦ Richard Malcolm ♦ Drew Setter ♦ Richard Romero ♦ Ruben Baca ♦ Tasia Young ♦ John Lee Thompson


Mimi Stewart, State Representative (HD 21) 313 Moon NE Albuquerque, NM 87123 * * 505-259-3657


November 29, 2011 at 11:39 AM in 2012 Legislature Races, Holidays | Permalink | Comments (0)

Breaking Bad Stars Dueling with Congressional District 1 Endorsements

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. It was a nice break for us too. Now we have to get back to all the business at hand. This post is by Mary Ellen Broderick.

We figured we would start with a post which did not make it up on the DFNM blog when it happened. This particular event was a simple endorsement of a candidate. However, there is a dueling quality to this endorsement. In the TV show these two characters appear in "Breaking Bad"; one is a good guy cop and one is a meth dealer. If we were to follow stereotypes one may guess Steven Michael Quezada the hispanic would be the meth dealer, but no, the meth dealer is the anglo guy, Bryan Cranston in the show.  So interestingly enough one star has endorsed Eric Griego and one star has endorsed Marty Chavez. Does this show anything? Does this add any further information about either candidate? Or must one be an avid Breaking Bad fan to read into the endorsements? In any case the TV hit series is called Breaking Bad, it is filmed here in Albuquerque, and it is a really good show.

So to end the suspense of who endorsed who; on November 10 Steven Michael Quezada was a guest speaker at an Eric Griego fundraiser and guess what? Quezada gave a glowing endorsement of Congressional Candidate Eric Griego. Below is a video of his speech at the event.

Steven Michael Quezada is an Albuquerque NM native and a long time friend of Eric. Steven described the similar passions he shares with Eric, of course the film industry and arts for our children and helping children. They met on the road both being comedians back in the late 80’s, and have stayed friends since then and have used their skills to try to bring positive change to their worlds. Steven goes on to say how anything worth having we have to fight for, being an American our freedoms “We have to fight this fight.” He goes on to say “Eric can’t do it all”. And we need to keep talking to people about Eric and what he believes in. We need Eric in D.C.

Here is Eric’s message from that night; Stand by the values he learned very early in life – “That we as Americans are in this together”.


Then Griego goes on to expand “What we need in Washington is not just one voice, we need a lot of voices”. We need to say “this is not what we believe in as Americans, we are in this together.”

On September 28th Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston endorsed Marty Chavez for Congress in NM-1. Please see this press release and .

November 29, 2011 at 10:21 AM in Eric Griego, Martin Chavez, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Television | |

Monday, November 28, 2011

Wirth 2012 Campaign Kick Off, Fundraiser and 50th Birthday Party

6a00d834519ed469e20147e2c05d7a970b-pi[1]The following is an announcement from State Senator Peter Wirth's Campaign. State Senator Peter Wirth represents District 25. For complete invitation see here: Wirth2012_Campaign_Kick-Off

Please Join Evalyn Bemis & David Blagg, Lorna & Earl Calles Catherine Joyce-Coll & Rep. Max Coll Karen & Stephen Durkovich, Kelly & Rep. Brian Egolf Lisa Enfield & the Honorable Paul Bardacke, Nancy & Don Dayton Sandy & Jim Fitzpatrick, Steve Flance Will Halm & Marcellin Simard, Nene & Jamie Koch Vicki & Owen Lopez, The Honorable Lynn Pickard Martha Romero & Dick Markwood, Charlotte Roybal Elise & Paul Schmidt, Amy & Bill Sisneros and Nancy Meem Wirth

at a 2012 Campaign Kick-Off, Fundraiser and 50th Birthday Celebration For State Senator Peter Wirth

Thursday, December 1st 5:30 – 7:00 pm Bishop’s Lodge 1297 Bishop’s Lodge Road, Santa Fe

Contributions can be sent to Committee to Elect Peter Wirth, 708 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501

or made online at

November 28, 2011 at 09:48 PM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, November 25, 2011

Senate Dems Statement: Business as Usual at Expo NM, Missed Opportunity at State Fairgrounds

Following is a statement by the Senate Democrats.

“Yesterday’s actions by the state fair commission to approve the Downs 25 year land deal at our fairgrounds represents a huge missed opportunity to create a true pride point for our city and state. My constituents from surrounding areas and I are deeply disappointed that despite all past troubles and challenges outlined in the Audit, the commission voted to perpetuate the status quo at Expo NM,” stated Senator Tim Keller (SD-17).

Keller added, “It has been 25 years since we’ve had the chance to redesign the State Fairgrounds (now officially known as Expo New Mexico). As the state senator representing most of the area, I know that the communities surrounding Expo New Mexico have repeatedly called for an opportunity to participate in a formal strategic plan for the development of the 250 acres in the middle of our city.”

With just 30 days to respond, only two entities met the deadline. No formal community input was solicited, plans were kept secret, accountability measures have not been put in place yet, and broader plans for Expo New Mexico were excluded from the discussion.

With little transparency and accountability, today’s state fair commission meeting the rules were changed to amend previous motions and change the agenda so this lease could be approved without event taking public comment.

The 2011 Legislative Audit further revealed a disturbing history including millions of dollars in mismanagement, questionable short-term decisions and annual taxpayer bailouts. Then on Nov. 8, the Albuquerque Journal reported $70,000 of campaign contributions went to the governor from the Downs’ ownership.

“We had hoped things would be different under a new administration, but nothing has changed when it comes to Casinos at the Fairgrounds. Tax payers deserve a lot better from our State. If these trends continue, many of us State Fair supporters worry that legislators statewide may not continue to foot the bill even with this new deal. This new rushed 25 year land lease blocks any significant redesign and perpetuates business as usual at Expo,” Sen. Keller noted after a tax committee meeting today in Santa Fe.

The new casino lease is less than 26 years and is solely within the governor’s responsibility and therefore today’s action will not go to legislature for approval. Senator Keller intends to bring forth legislation to clean up the governance at Expo New Mexico in the upcoming legislative session.


November 25, 2011 at 02:03 PM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, Susana Martinez, Tim Keller | Permalink | Comments (0)

Presidential Proclamation -- National Native American Heritage Month, 2011

Native-American-Heritage-Day-615x585Today is the Third Native American Heritage Day. The day was started in 2008, introduced by Rep. Joe Baca of California. When Rep. Baca introduced the bill he stated the following:

"The day, Baca said in offering the bill, is intended to pay tribute to American Indians for their many contributions to the United States, and the legislation encourages Americans of all backgrounds to observe the day through appropriate ceremonies and activities. Further, it encourages public elementary and secondary schools to enhance student understanding of American Indians by providing classroom instructions focusing on their history, achievements, and contributions." Credit for quote and image given to Indian

New Mexico is one of the culturally richest Native American States in the Nation. With New Mexico not even being 100 years old yet, not until 2013, it is my assumption the Native cultures here are the least Americanized. The Native Culture's being so rich here is one of the reasons New Mexico is called The Land of Enchantment. New Mexico is the only state which has 19 Peublos all still inhabited. And a total of 22 American Indian Tribes. The attached shows the locations of the Native american populations throughout the U.S. per the 2010 census.

What follows is an announcement from the White House declaring November National Native American Heritage Month.




From the Aleutian Islands to the Florida Everglades, American Indians and Alaska Natives have contributed immensely to our country's heritage. During National Native American Heritage Month, we commemorate their enduring achievements and reaffirm the vital role American Indians and Alaska Natives play in enriching the character of our Nation.

Native Americans stand among America's most distinguished authors, artists, scientists, and political leaders, and in their accomplishments, they have profoundly strengthened the legacy we will leave our children. So, too, have American Indians and Alaska Natives bravely fought to protect this legacy as members of our Armed Forces. As service members, they have shown exceptional valor and heroism on battlefields from the American Revolution to Iraq and Afghanistan. Native Americans have demonstrated time and again their commitment to advancing our common goals, and we honor their resolve in the face of years of marginalization and broken promises. My Administration recognizes the painful chapters in our shared history, and we are fully committed to moving forward with American Indians and Alaska Natives to build a better future together.

To strengthen our economy and win the future for our children, my Administration is addressing problems that have burdened Native American communities for too long. We are working to bolster economic development, expand access to affordable health care, broaden post-secondary educational opportunities, and ensure public safety and tribal justice. In June, I signed an Executive Order establishing the White House Rural Council, to strengthen Federal engagement with tribal governments and promote economic prosperity in Indian Country and across rural America. This comes in conjunction with several settlements that will put more land into the hands of tribes and deliver long-awaited trust reform to Indian Country.

To bring jobs and sustainable growth to tribal nations, my Administration is connecting tribal economies to the broader economy through transportation infrastructure and high-speed Internet, as well as by focusing on clean energy development on tribal lands. First Lady Michelle Obama's recently launched Let's Move! in Indian Country initiative will also redouble efforts to encourage healthy living for American Indians and Alaska Natives. These actions reflect my Administration's ongoing commitment to progress for Native Americans, which was reaffirmed last year when we announced our support for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Through a comprehensive strategy where the Federal Government and tribal nations move forward as equal partners, we can bring real and lasting change to Indian Country.

This month, we celebrate the rich heritage and myriad contributions of American Indians and Alaska Natives, and we rededicate ourselves to supporting tribal sovereignty, tribal self-determination, and prosperity for all Native Americans. We will seek to strengthen our nation-to-nation relationship by ensuring tribal nations have a voice in shaping national policies impacting tribal communities. We will continue this dialogue at the White House Tribal Nations Conference held in Washington, D.C. next month. As we confront the challenges currently facing our tribal communities and work to ensure American Indians and Alaska Natives have meaningful opportunities to pursue their dreams, we are forging a brighter future for the First Americans and all Americans.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2011 as National Native American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans to commemorate this month with appropriate programs and activities, and to celebrate November 25, 2011, as Native American Heritage Day.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand eleven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-sixth.


November 25, 2011 at 12:04 PM in Holidays, Native Americans | |

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Barb's T-day Message

 “The only dream worth having is to dream that you will live while you are alive, and die only when you are dead. To love, to be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and vulgar disparity of the life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. ...To respect strength, never power. Above all to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget.”
― Arundhati Roy

I am thankful today for life, my loving partner, our sweet birdies and all our kind friends and supporters, as well as for any and all of the characteristics described above by Aarundhati!

November 24, 2011 at 10:43 AM in Holidays | Permalink | Comments (1)

Our Gay Thanksgiving 2011

This thanksgiving day post is by Mary Ellen.

Imagine all the fixing going on in houses all over the country. Smells from the oven. A little bit of bickering. Kids all anxious. People driving. Phone calls to loved ones afar. All kinds of traditions being rehatched. Some new lovers just starting their traditions. Everyone being gay or not.

As for our gay house - It is Barb and I and I am thankful. And our wonderful gay birds. The other day I tried to write down where we were for each of our other 22 thanksgivings together. In 1989 we were in Provincetown, MA; in 1993 we were in Boulder CO; in 1996 we were in Albq., NM; in 2001 we were in Florida. In 1995 was the only thanksgiving I was in Massachusetts without Barb, and decided on that  day I would never be without Barb on a Thanksgiving. And I haven't.

Today, this thanksgiving, we woke up, watched the sky turn from red to orange, made coffee, brought in the newspaper, marveled at the waste of paper of all the ads, put them in the recycle pile without even looking at one of them. We have had pie for breakfast, each went online. I took pictures of our pretty birds. A variety of friends have offered to come by and drop off plates of their special dinners, to share their T-day traditions with Barb and I on this our thankful day together. And as Barb has done for other years on the blog here, I wrote a piece of Thanks for this our Gay Thanksgiving, today November 24th 2011.

011So here is Sunny today very gay and colorful and proud. Sunny is very happy he is not a turkey today.




022And here is Bosco the little Lovebird with the Big personality.




046And we cannot forget the flock of Parakeets feasting on their T-day sugar seed stick.




Bw and meAnd last pic of the day Barb and I. Barb being none too pleased for me to be snapping a pic so early. Too bad honey. It is what it is. We are what and who we are. I am thankful for you in my life more than anything this thanksgiving day.

November 24, 2011 at 09:48 AM in Bird Blogging, Holidays | |

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