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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
State Senator Eric Griego Calls on Legislature to Pass Jobs Bills by Friday
Senator Eric Griego (SD-14) released the following statement today calling on the New Mexico Legislature to quickly pass and the Governor to sign two important bills that would help the state economy and create jobs. Senator Griego called on the legislature to pass the $220 million capital outlay bill and SB1, which was SB19 in the regular session, that would allow local businesses to obtain a five percent preference when bidding on state contracts.
“The local preference legislation would spur local jobs by preventing out-of-state companies from posing as local businesses and taking advantage of the incentives we have for local businesses bidding on state contracts. SB1 (SB19) would tighten residency requirements for businesses bidding on state contracts and better enforce the existing rules. This bill has broad bipartisan support and should be passed immediately to start putting our people to work.
“The capital outlay legislation is long overdue and our economy needs it now more than ever to create jobs. There are communities throughout New Mexico that can’t wait any longer to benefit from the millions of dollars put toward rebuilding our infrastructure and creating local jobs. I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to put politics aside and pass this bill to put people back to work."
September 13, 2011 at 04:00 PM in Eric Griego, Jobs, NM Legislature 2011, NM Legislature Redistricting 2011 | Permalink