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Sunday, September 04, 2011

Otero County Democrats Kick Off Labor Day Weekend (With Photos)

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Contributing writer Stephen Jones checks in with more on-the-ground coverage from Southern New Mexico.

Otero County Democrats gathered for their 7th Annual Labor Appreciation Breakfast at the Alamogordo Women's Club Saturday morning. The gathering brought out a large mix of organized labor rank and file union members and local Democrats.

"They told me there weren't any Democrats over here," said keynote speaker State Senator Mary Jane Garcia, "obviously they were mistaken." Garcia, who represents a district in neighboring Doña Ana County took on a wide range of topics in her address to the group ranging from legislative redistricting, to social promotion in schools, and her unwavering support for issuing drivers licenses to undocumented workers. She also stressed her work against domestic and community violence, and talked about the killings of women south of the border in Juarez.

Also addressing the group was Evelyn Madrid Erhard, who has recently announced she is running for the New Mexico 2nd Congressional District seat, and whose appearance at the Alamogordo event marked an important rollout for her freshly launched campaign outside her home county. Erhard is a long time neighborhood leader from  Mesilla. "For all but two years of the past thirty years we've been represented by Republicans in this district, first with Joe Skeen and now with Steve Pearce, and we've gotten nothing in return from them," she said, "I promise to change all that."

Other speakers included Carter Bundy of AFSCME, Otero County Chair Wally Anderson, and Stephanie DuBois who has organized each of the past seven Otero County Breakfasts. In addition to raising funds for the Otero County Democratic Party the group raised money for the ongoing efforts to turn back attacks on organized labor in Wisconsin.

Photos by Stephen Jones. To see more posts by Stephen, visit our archive.

September 4, 2011 at 06:16 PM in By Stephen Jones, Contributing Writer, Democratic Party, Events, Labor, Otero County | Permalink


Thank you Evelyn Madrid Erhard. Finally.

Posted by: qofdisks | Sep 5, 2011 12:15:52 PM

Evelyn Madrid Erhard, how about a write up for the El Defensor Chieftain?
I heard nothing of your announcement. A webpage would be nice. I Googled and all I got was your Facebook and medieval Christmas.

Posted by: qofdisks | Sep 5, 2011 12:18:49 PM

Excellent post I must say.. Simple but yet interesting and engaging.. Keep up the awesome work!

Posted by: Speeding Ticket Lawyer | Sep 6, 2011 2:48:53 AM

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