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Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Local Flash Mob at State Fair Part of Global Effort to Solve Climate Change
Learn more at at www.solnotcoal.org
On Saturday, more than 100 activists held a flash mob at the New Mexico State Fairgrounds to demand solutions to climate change. With the motto "Sol Not Coal" on bandanas, signs and flyers, dancers and volunteers created a high-energy spectacle right in front of the State Fair’s natural resource pavilion.
“New Mexicans need to realize that global climate change can be solved and that the solutions mean cleaner air, better quality of life and more good jobs,” said Lilia Diaz, New Energy Economy’s Director of Programs and Outreach.
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“Climate change impacts everyone and will continue to impact future generations. We all have to take a stand right now,” said Juan Reynosa, Air Quality Organizer for the Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP).
“We can’t wait for Washington to get its act together on climate change. New Mexico families and businesses have the power to build a better future by moving to a clean energy economy,” said Shrayas Jatkar, Sierra Club’s Organizing Representative in Albuquerque.
2010 saw the highest recorded global emissions of man-made greenhouse gases in history: 30 billion tons of energy-related carbon pollution. Half of this pollution comes from coal. New Mexico suffers from some of the dirtiest coal power plants in the nation. PNM’s San Juan Coal Plant alone generates more than 8.5 million tons of carbon pollution and consumes more than 9.3 billion gallons of clean water each year. The plant has also been cited for 60,000 air quality violations.
This action was a part of 350.org Moving Planet day to demand climate action and encourage a movement beyond fossil fuels.
Photos by Lindsay Marisol Archuleta.
September 27, 2011 at 10:47 PM in Climate, Energy, Environment, Events | Permalink