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Wednesday, September 07, 2011
9/14: People's Forum on Public Lands Trapping at Wool Warehouse, ABQ
From WildEarth Guardians:
Please join us for The People's Forum on Public Lands Trapping on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 from 5:30 to 8:30 PM at The Wool Warehouse, 516 First Street NW in Albuquerque. The Forum is an opportunity for the entire New Mexican public to add their voice to the debate over public lands trapping in New Mexico. The event will feature a citizen panel, who will listen to the broad public, and educational materials from TrapFreeNM.org. Film crews will record this public hearing.
The panel will feature:
- The Hon. Judge Peggy Nelson, Chairwoman of the Panel
- Peggy Weigle, Executive Director, Animal Humane | New Mexico
- Nathan Cote, Former State Representative
- Oscar Simpson, former Game Commissioner and hunter
- Kathleen Holian, Santa Fe County Commissioner
- Martha Marks, Republicans for Environmental Protection
- Kathy Sedlacek, New Mexico Mountain Club
- Helga Schimkat, Attorney
This summer, New Mexicans generated over 12,000 comments to the Department of Game and Fish that requested a trap ban on public lands. Yet, the New Mexico Game Commission ignored this appeal. On July 21 it expanded trapping across New Mexico, and even lifted the trapping closure in the range of the Mexican wolf.
People, pets, and wildlife were shut out from the Game Commission’s recent decision to expand trapping ... and so were you. It’s now your turn to be heard. Please come out and express your views on trapping before a panel of New Mexico community leaders.
The People’s Forum on Public Lands Trapping: because it’s your turn to be heard. To get more information or to RSVP, call 505-988-9126, email wendy@wildearthguardians.org, or visit this Facebook event page.
September 7, 2011 at 01:20 PM in Animal Protection, Events | Permalink
Watched the debate, I am a Democrat but am leaning towards Romney. Obana is out, Romney seems like a good choise for Democrats.
Keep Romney in mind for moderate Democrats
Posted by: Moderate Democrat | Sep 7, 2011 7:55:59 PM