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Saturday, August 06, 2011
On Hiroshima Day 2011
Today was the day that an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in Japan in 1945. We were the ones who dropped it. New Mexico housed the top secret facilities where people worked on the bomb project, including where the main research was done, in Los Alamos, and where the first test bomb was detonated, at the Trinity Site in White Sands. Now there is another nuclear event going on in Japan, at Fukishima.
Whatever you may think about Yoko Ono, I urge you to read her message for today. So much is going on right now on planet earth, on so many levels, and much more will be revealed -- soon, I think. I see it as a perfect message to absorb and ponder at such a time on our planet.
August 6, 2011 at 11:54 PM in Peace | Permalink
Posted by: Anita Walsh | Aug 7, 2011 12:00:19 AM
Local blogger NewMexiKen also had a good post on this yesterday:
Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Aug 7, 2011 12:55:18 PM