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Monday, August 22, 2011

AFSCME International Critical of Locals Claiming to Endorse Balderas in Senate Race

AFSCME International's Political Action Representative Carter Bundy has issued some clarifying comments in response to the Hector Balderas for Senate campaign's announcement that five AFSCME locals have endorsed Balderas. First, he noted that AFSCME officially endorsed the Senate campaign of Martin Heinrich on April 21 of this year, and that New Mexico members on AFSCME’s political committee, PEOPLE, voted unanimously to recommend a national endorsement of Congressman Heinrich.

Bundy Explains Endorsement Process
Bundy explained how the union's endorsement process works. "AFSCME has one, and only one, endorsement process for all of its locals, the New Mexico Council, and the International," Bundy said in an email. "We have a detailed, democratic process where AFSCME members in New Mexico, and only AFSCME members in New Mexico, recommend who we support."  

"He continued, "There is no local endorsement process for federal races and no authority to endorse by locals. Period."

According to Bundy, "Every single AFSCME member in New Mexico was invited to participate in our PEOPLE process. Many did. Our members elect a committee comprised of members from every part of the state and representing every type of local."

AFSCME Locals Have No Authority to Endorse
As for the five AFSCME locals in New Mexico that are claiming a separate endorsement process that supports Balderas, Bunday said, "We have no doubt that in an organization of 12,000 people there will always be a small percentage who vote against the members' endorsement, and that is absolutely their right. But neither they nor any campaign have the right to falsely claim an AFSCME endorsement."

Bundy continued, "The New Mexico PEOPLE Committee, representing all 12,000 of our members through a democratic process, voted unanimously and enthusiastically to support Martin Heinrich, who has a proven record of being a strong and effective advocate for the middle class and working families for almost a decade."

For additional posts on the 2012 Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive.

August 22, 2011 at 04:39 PM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Hector Balderas, Labor, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink


I do not think Endorsed was every used by the Balderas Camp. I think Bundy or DFNM need to issue a correction.
"enthusiastically threw their full support behind State Auditor Hector Balderas" in the race, saying the campaign "continued to pick up grassroots momentum."

Posted by: DEMandTruth | Aug 22, 2011 6:10:15 PM

Whether they used the word or not the message was clear. The intent of the announcement was to imply that the 5 locals were breaking with the endorsement of AFSCME national and substituting their own version of it for a different candidate. Not fooling anyone really.

Posted by: Union Guy | Aug 22, 2011 7:33:48 PM

Seems to me the locals have the right to disagree with the state ASFCME committee's decision. The question I have is, what percentage of New Mexico's ASFCME members are represented by those 5 locals?

(FYI, I am a Balderas supporter.)

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Aug 22, 2011 8:07:13 PM

Sounds like sour grapes to me. The fact is that these local chapters decided to break with the national union. No big deal-let the local people decide who they want to support. What's worst is having Carter Bundy trying to explain the "process" by which the official endorsement of MH was concocted- I mean, does it really matter? These 5 locals decided to endorse the other guy in the race. It shows that 1) AFCSME probably jumped the gun by endorsing SO EARLY in the primary process and 2) this primary race between MH and HB is heating up more and more everyday. What was supposed to be a walknin the park for MH is turning out to be a nail bitter.

Posted by: Javier | Aug 22, 2011 10:54:43 PM

Orders from Washington DC, New Mexico must obey!

Posted by: Ejército Libertador del Sur | Aug 22, 2011 11:54:02 PM

The locals have a right to disagree with the national union but that doesn't give them the right to pretend that they are lending any kind of official support to Balderas. It is a sleazy move and the way it was presented as a non-endorsement endorsement or whatever was a desperate move by the Balderas camp to pretend they are getting an endorsement.

They haven't gotten many and there are good reasons why they haven't. Balderas is a minor player in a minor state office that has nothing to do with most of the issues that Senators must deal with. He hasn't shown he knows anything about foreign policy, the national economy, environmental policy, labor, job creation or trade policy. His only experience is with having outside auditors he hires performing audits of mostly small agencies and school districts within the state.

Heinrich has the legitimate endorsements of many unions, environmental groups and highly respected politicians and government officials. Why? Because he has a track record on issues important to these groups and individuals. Balderas has no such record.

Posted by: Esq. | Aug 23, 2011 1:12:09 AM

Esq writes, "Balderas is a minor player in a minor state office that has nothing to do with most of the issues that Senators must deal with."

Make that 'issues that Senators don't want to deal with' and I'd agree. The legislature has little interest in dealing with ethics issues. Also, the Auditor's office is just as important as the Attorney General's office in keeping public officials honest, IMHO.

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Aug 23, 2011 3:20:51 AM

I agree with Javier. The continued questioning of the decision of the AFSCME locals as well as the petty response to the endorsement by a former Obama Latino vote director look like sour grapes mixed with a healthy dose of real concern on the part of the Heinrich campaign.

Posted by: Vieja | Aug 23, 2011 8:14:50 AM

belittling Balderas as a "minor player" shows a great deal of misinformation and selective memory. Rep. Heinrich went from the very minor office of city councilor to the very major office of US Congressman. Was he not a "minor player" in a "minor municipal office?" In 2008 I believed in new leadership and supported MH over his opponents in that Dem primary. Sure, Martin didn't have the long public service experience as his two opponents, but heck, he had done a good job in City Council and I thought - why not give this young, fresh perspective a chance? I am glad I supported MH and I am satisfied with his work as our Congressman thus far. In this Senate primary I see in Hector the potential for another young, energetic leader for us to "promote" to national office. Sure, as far as "experience" is concerned, there's no doubt that MH and HB bring different skillsets, experiences and perspectives to this primary. But to belittle either of these two good candidates strikes me as, once again, sour grapes. And for anyone who has doubts about whether Balderas "knows anything" about foreign policy, the national economy, environmental policy, labor, job creation or trade policy," feel free to go to his next public event and ask him yourself. And one final note - the State Auditor's office is a "minor" office? Can you back that up with facts?

Posted by: Javier | Aug 23, 2011 11:33:15 AM

We will see come primary day. We have two good candidates, but I am voting and working for Hector. For many reasons.

Posted by: Preciliano Martin | Aug 23, 2011 2:52:40 PM

It's interesting to see this developing as latinos against the world. Look at Balderas's endorsements - all northern NM against the rest of the state. This is not good for the party or the country.

Posted by: 2 cents | Aug 23, 2011 4:31:18 PM

Ha ha..."Latinos against the world." it's funny that whenever two or more people of color gather it becomes out here comes the gang, them angry brown folk..."Latinos against the world..." really??? Unfortunate but expected!

Posted by: Val | Aug 23, 2011 11:15:31 PM

It will help Balderas in those counties - no matter if its official or not. Boots on the ground.

Posted by: Delano | Aug 24, 2011 6:42:27 AM

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