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Tuesday, August 02, 2011
AFSCME Endorses Eric Griego for Congress in NM-01
In a statement released today, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) announced its support for State Senator Eric Griego's bid for the Democratic nomination for Congress in the 1st congressional district. New Mexico members on AFSCME’s New Mexico political committee, PEOPLE, voted unanimously to recommend a national endorsement of the Senator.
"Eric is a true believer. He has never been afraid to stand up for those that do not have a voice, for hard-working, middle class families who are struggling every day. Eric is exactly what we need," said New Mexico PEOPLE Committee member Paul Linville.
Retiree Don Wencewicz noted, "Eric fights everyday for our seniors. We have to send someone to Washington that will preserve the promises made to us. Whether it is Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid, we know we will have a true champion fighting for us if Eric is in Washington.”
Fellow Albuquerquean and PEOPLE Committee member Paula Fisher added, "it's all about protecting New Mexico's workers and small businesses. Every session Eric fights to close a loophole for big out-of-state corporations that allows them to dodge paying their fair share. If New Mexico mom-and-pop stores can compete on a level playing field, we’ll have more jobs.”
“I’m honored and delighted to be endorsed by the thousands of hard-working men and women represented by AFSCME,” said Senator Griego. “Their endorsement recognizes that I am the proven fighter for the working and middle class families of New Mexico who can be counted on to create jobs, reduce unemployment and protect Social Security and Medicare as Congressman.”
Nationally, AFSCME is the largest union in the AFL-CIO, and is one of the two largest unions in New Mexico, representing a broad range of workers including corrections officers, janitors, police officers, nurses, water utility workers, and dozens of other jobs that are crucial to the everyday running of our state and its cities.
To see more posts on the 2012 NM-01 Congressional race, visit our archives.
August 2, 2011 at 02:20 PM in Eric Griego, Labor, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012 | Permalink
AFSCME endorsement doesnt mean much. The Washington Insiders and Carpet bagger carter bundy have proven that they do not have the voice of the locals in mind when they make endorsements. We saw it during the last ABQ mayoral and I suspect we will see it again in these primarys.
Posted by: Truthbetold | Aug 2, 2011 4:12:41 PM
It never means much if your candidate doesn't get it, right? Griego has always been a champion for working people and unions and Marty Chavez has been the exact opposite. This should also help Eric with boots on the ground and campaign funding.
Posted by: Go Eric! | Aug 2, 2011 4:59:53 PM
Truthbetold obviously has animus against Mr. Bundy. S/he needs to get over it. AFSCME has helped lots of candidates in the past, and their endorsement is a really big deal in terms of volunteers, especially in the primary election. Thank you AFSCME!
Posted by: Proud Democrat | Aug 2, 2011 6:04:02 PM
The unions know who is on their side and has been for years!
Posted by: Bodie | Aug 5, 2011 12:00:30 PM