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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
9/1: Fundraiser Supporting Marty Chavez for U.S. Senate at Scalo's in Albuquerque
From Marty Chavez:
I hope you will join me on Thursday, September 1st, from 5:30 to 7:00 PM, at Scalo’s in Nob Hill for my inaugural Albuquerque fundraiser. Scalo’s owner Steve Paternoster is a long time, great friend and I am proud to begin the financial part of my campaign for U.S. Congress at his establishment. If you agree with me that Washington needs to start working for all America, please join me on the 1st.
Steve Paternoster
Along with co-hosts:
Chris Baca, Nick Bakas,
Art De La Cruz, Mark Fleisher,
Richard Dineen, Carlos Dominquez, Richard Guay,
Jim Maddox, Mike Malloy, Loretta Mares,
Frances Ray, Ken Sanchez
In Support of
Marty Chavez
Candidate, NM 1st Congressional District
Thursday, September 1st, 5:30 –7:00 PM
Scalo Northern Italian Grill
3500 Central SE, Albuquerque
Suggested Contribution:
$2,500 Host ~ $1,000 Friend ~ $500 Sponsor
Rsvp to: Janis Hartley (505) 412-2642 or janishartley@gmail.com. Contributions can be made payable and sent to: “New Mexicans for Marty Chavez,” PO Box 91208, Albuquerque, NM 87199. Or you can Click Here to contribute online.
August 30, 2011 at 12:41 PM in Events, Martin Chavez, NM-01 Congressional Race 2010 | Permalink