« 8/24: Young Professionals Fundraiser at Jazzbah for Hector Balderas for Senate | Main | 8/18: Join New Mexicans Expressing Buyer's Remorse, Signing 'Return Ballots' to Gov. Martinez »
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
8/30: Young Professionals Fundraiser at Scalo in ABQ for Martin Heinrich for Senate
From Martin Heinrich for U.S. Senate:
Please join other young professionals in supporting
Martin Heinrich's campaign for U.S. Senate!
Tuesday, August 30 · 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Scalo Northern Italian Grill,
3500 Central Ave SE, Albuquerque
Host & Sponsor Committee:
Esteban Aguilar, Jr., Tyler Atkins, George Bach, Mark Baker, Hakim Bellamy,
Rebecca Branch, James & Tisha Broska, Manuel Casias, Chris Cervini,
Patrick Davis, Katy Duhigg, Josh Ewing, John Fitzpatrick, Laura Harris,
Travis Kellerman, Keegan King, Leean Kravitz, Robert Lara, Jason Libersky,
Damon Maddox, Tony Pedroncelli, Kelly Stout (committee in formation)
The suggested donation for the event is $50. If you are interested in being a host ($500) or a sponsor ($250) of the event, please contact mike.sullivan@martinheinrich.com or 505-242-4416.
August 17, 2011 at 07:11 AM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Events, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink
Obama for America (OFA) New Mexico State Director Ray Sandoval sent an email to supporters with the subject line, "Please take 5 minutes to read this, Please."
Amanda Terkel
Obama Campaign Staffer Sends Out Email Bashing Paul Krugman And The 'Firebagger Lefty Blogosphere'
The Obama campaign's point person in New Mexico recently sent an email to supporters defending the president's position on the debt deal and bashing the Nobel Prize winning New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and the "Firebagger Lefty blogosphere."
Posted by: qofdisks | Aug 17, 2011 4:59:22 PM
gofdisks-bad stuff. Ray Sandoval and others working for the Obama campaign have been getting hot under the collar more and more often these days because Obama is getting so much valid criticism from Democrats and experts like Krugman and Reich. Sandoval and others should be mad at the president not people pointing out how badly the president has been acting. Don't shoot the messenger!
Posted by: SCC | Aug 17, 2011 5:40:23 PM