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Wednesday, August 17, 2011
8/18: Join New Mexicans Expressing Buyer's Remorse, Signing 'Return Ballots' to Gov. Martinez
From Working America:
On August 18, Working America members and organizers will gather at a “Buyer’s Remorse” booth in Albuquerque to accept “return” ballots from New Mexicans who are disgusted with the broken promises of Governor Martinez. Susana Martinez told voters that she would focus on creating jobs and strengthening the economy while in office -- and she has done neither.
The return booth will provide New Mexicans the opportunity to hold Governor Susana Martinez accountable for ignoring the devastating jobs crisis while focusing on advancing an extreme political agenda and pushing hurtful cuts to programs and services that New Mexicans rely upon.
- WHO: Working America members and organizers
- WHAT: Buyer’s Remorse Booth, “Return” Ballot collection
- WHEN: August 18, 2011 – 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
- WHERE: Outside of Albuquerque Workforce Connection - 501 Mountain Road NE Albuquerque 87102
JOIN US IN SOLIDARITY if you have Buyer's Remorse and wish you could RETURN Governor Martinez to the corporations she is protecting! For more information, contact DJ Jaramillo at newmexico@workingamerica.org or 505-255-2127. Here's the Facebook event page.
August 17, 2011 at 06:12 PM in Economy, Populism, Events, Jobs, Labor, Susana Martinez | Permalink
Now this is a good idea. I hope this campaign continues through to the next gubernatorial election. This needs to be constantly kept up.
This is not a one day deal!
Posted by: Stuart Heady | Aug 18, 2011 11:42:05 AM