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Friday, August 05, 2011

8/15: NM Redistricting Committee Meeting in Albuquerque

The state's Redistricting Committee is coming to Albuquerque to explain how redistricting scenarios will affect our city and to listen to what we have to say about the redistricting process. The meeting is set for Monday, August 15, from 3:30 PM to 8:30 PM, at West Mesa High School, 6701 Fortuna Road NW in Albuquerque.

The committee has posted several redistricting plans on its web site. The maps and data show the current and proposed legislative, congressional and public regulation commission districts. You can also draw your own maps and propose them to the committee. You will need to download GIS mapping software (some open source versions are free on the Internet) and the latest do-it-yourself redistricting files.

For more information, consult the Guide to Redistricting in New Mexico and the Redistricting Guidelines adopted by the New Mexico Legislative Council earlier this year. You can RSVP for this event and discuss issues on this Facebook page.

August 5, 2011 at 04:13 PM in Events, Redistricting | Permalink


Why can't I open any of the sites listed in the paragraph above, i.e., redistricting committee, its website, or guides to redistriting listed? this is not helpful....

Posted by: Diane | Aug 14, 2011 11:46:38 AM

Diane: Sometimes a source slightly changes its website setup, which can also change URL links, or sometimes there is a server problem tha causes the links not to work. I have redone all the links in this post and they are working now as far as I can tell!

Posted by: barb | Aug 15, 2011 5:14:01 AM

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