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Monday, July 04, 2011
Progressives Illuminate the Las Cruces Electric Light Parade (with Photos)
Contributing writer Stephen Jones checks in with more on-the-ground coverage from Southern New Mexico.
Over eighty local progressive activists and volunteers joined forces to greet parade-goers at the annual Las Cruces Fourth of July Electric Light Parade on Sunday night. Gathering under the banner of the Dõna Ana Democratic Party, the group rode the three-mile-long parade route that drew over 15,000 Las Cruces onlookers and neighborhood residents who turned out to see the festive light parade pass by, including the colorful progressive contingent.
Joining up with the Democratic Party of Dõna Ana County were County Commissioner Scott Krahling, Las Cruces City Councillors Miguel Silva and Gil Sorg, Obama for America, the Hector Balderas U.S. Senate campaign, and
In addition to showcasing the local Party and their respective political campaigns, members of the large contingent combed the crowd for volunteers for the upcoming election contests. Deputy voter registrars also worked tirelessly along the parade route to sign up new voters. The annual Las Cruces Fourth of July Electric Light Parade is one of the largest parades held yearly in the State of New Mexico. All photos by Stephen Jones. To see more posts by Stephen, visit our archive.
July 4, 2011 at 09:52 AM in By Stephen Jones, Contributing Writer, Democratic Party, Events, Holidays, Las Cruces | Permalink
It's a joke that former Pearce and Bush staffer Michael Huerta is a "progressive" -- he's an opportunist pure and simple, likely to split the vote with Las Cruces's excellent progressive mayor Ken Miyagishima. Why is Huerta running? It's not for the progressive movement or the people of Las Cruces.
Posted by: Las Cruces voter | Jul 4, 2011 10:43:28 PM