Marty Chavez Eric Griego

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Thursday, July 07, 2011

NM-01 Candidate Eric Griego Reports Raising $119,000 in First Weeks, Strong Growth in Grassroots Support

Griego Democratic Congressional candidate Eric Griego released a statement today announcing that his campaign for the NM-01 seat has raised $119,000 in its first several weeks of fundraising. He said more than 3,000 donors contributed, making an average contribution of $40.

"In such a short amount of time, we have built an incredible grassroots network of supporters willing to contribute their time and hard-earned money because they believe we need a Congressman who will fight for core Democratic values--defending Medicare, protecting our land and water, and creating good jobs here in New Mexico," Griego said.

In addition to an impressive first quarter of fundraising and growth in grassroots support, Griego said he has earned high-profile national and local endorsements including:

  • International Brotherhood of Teamsters
  • Teamsters Local 492
  • Progressive Change Campaign Committee
  • State Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino 
  • State Senator Cisco McSorley
  • State Representative Miguel Garcia 
  • State Representative Eleanor Chavez
  • Albuquerque City Councilor Isaac Benton
  • Albuquerque City Councilor Rey Garduño

The only other candidate for the First Congressional District filing a report this quarter is Republican challenger, , who reported raising about $101,000 for the quarter, despite being in the race since early April. Former Albuquerque Mayor announced his entry into the Democratic primary for NM-01 on June 29, a day before the end of the fundraising quarter, so he did not submit a report.

July 7, 2011 at 10:47 AM in Eric Griego, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012 | Permalink


Nice start for Eric. For him to win he will need to run smart and be very organized and disciplined in his campaign. Marty Chavez will probably have almost unlimited funds and can buy top notch talent to work on his campaign. I think Eric can compete but it will have to be a stellar effort on his part and he will needs a virtual army of supporters campaigning the old fashion way, knocking doors and working the phones.

Posted by: W. Sider | Jul 7, 2011 12:22:14 PM

Griego is shaping up to be a really great candidate. If he manages campaigning well, he could well be our next congressman.

I live in a swing district, so it is not by any stretch a done deal, whoever gets the nomination. The folks out here are educated, proficient people who are not really ideological. That's why it is a swing district. I think what they want is someone in touch with reality and not someone who slings slogans.

Posted by: Stuart Heady | Jul 9, 2011 11:42:18 AM

These are good numbers for Eric, but not great ones. They didn't keep that corrupt asshat Marty Chavez out of the race, after all. Marty could have taken the seat from Heather Weasel any time he wanted, so why is he running now? Because he hates Eric Griego, who objected to Marty's big-ego, big-business schemes.

Marty can't win a Democratic primary in this state, not even on his home Albuquerque turf. Why? He governed more like a Republican than a Democrat, and he won those "non-partisan" mayoral racers with significant Republican support which won't help him in a Democratic primary.

Let's face it: Marty is not a real Democrat. Eric Griego is. Let's not be afraid of our Democratic values and progressive candidates. Blue Dogs like Marty might as well be Republicans for all the good they'll do us.

@Stuart: You are completely wrong about why NM-01 is a swing district. Ever been to a DFNM meetup? We are *very* ideological here. There just happen to be approximately equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans in the CD-1. It's a swing district because it was drawn that way, pure and simple.

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Jul 10, 2011 2:57:57 PM

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