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Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Hector Balderas for Senate Announces Raising $400,000+ in Two Months, $370,000+ On Hand
The Hector Balderas for US Senate campaign today announced that its July 15 fundraising report will show more than $400,000 raised in its first two months, with approximately $370,000 cash-on hand. A statement released by the campaign said the total demonstrates "strong grassroots support from across New Mexico," and said the donations come from approximately 1,000 individual donors, including donations received from all thirty-three counties in New Mexico.
The second quarter fundraising report covers the three-month period between April 1 and June 30, 2011. However, the campaign noted that Balderas did not announce his candidacy until April 26, meaning that "his impressive fundraising totals were achieved in a compressed time frame."
"While we start this campaign as a clear underdog, we're finding a growing number of people who are responding to Hector's record of fiscal responsibility and his vision of economic opportunity for all New Mexicans," said Balderas campaign manager Caroline Buerkle. "These financial resources will help ensure that we remain competitive and that we can take that message to people across New Mexico."
"I'm humbled by the outpouring of grassroots support and the number of people willing to invest in our campaign to bring New Mexico values to Washington," said Balderas. "We know that our campaign won't raise the most special interest money. Rather we're going to run a grassroots campaign that harnesses New Mexicans' desire to bring fiscal accountability to Washington so that we can invest in education and economic opportunity for everyone," Hector Balderas said.
The campaign said "Balderas' strong fundraising report comes on the heels of a recent Public Policy Polling survey that showed him leading both Heather Wilson and John Sanchez in general election match-ups."
More detailed information about Balderas' fundraising report will be available when it is filed with the Federal Election Commission by the July 15 deadline.
July 5, 2011 at 08:22 AM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Hector Balderas | Permalink
Congratulations to Hector Balderas! These are great numbers! Even if Rep. Heinrich comes in with even bigger numbers than Balderas (which he probably will), $400k in 60 days is PHENOMENAL. It shows that Balderas is a legitimate, credible candidate. I'm ready for a highly competitive primary campaign between two formidable candidates!
Posted by: Javier | Jul 5, 2011 10:24:55 AM
Holy Cow! And Rep. Heinrich just announced that he raised $485,000! But he had 3 months to do it in, whereas Balderas only had 2 months to raise his $400,000. Balderas has shocked the establishment!
Friends, we have an incredibly exciting Senate Primary on our hands. So proud to be a Democrat!
Posted by: Javier | Jul 5, 2011 1:01:03 PM
Not bad but it's only one quarter. Hector is popular as he should be but there are only so many friends to go around. We'll see how he does next quarter and what kind of support he gets from the groups he needs for door knocking and funding going forward. In other words this is impressive on one level but there are many levels to go.
Posted by: Esq. | Jul 5, 2011 1:12:12 PM
It is impressive on every level. As the press release points out the donations came from all across NM, not from the national unions and other entrenched politicos in DC who decided a long time ago that they'd rather support a sitting representative than take a look at encouraging a strong local candidate. Congratulations Hector!
Posted by: vieja | Jul 5, 2011 2:58:37 PM
This Roll Call headline says it all:
Posted by: Guess What? | Jul 5, 2011 3:27:27 PM
vieja-More than 2,200 people gave to Heinrich's campaign this quarter and $72,000 was raised online so what you say is hot air.
Posted by: Esq. | Jul 5, 2011 3:35:46 PM
Let's see what he can do after picking off the low hanging fruit that goes along at the beginning of any campaign.
Posted by: Low Hanging Fruit | Jul 6, 2011 9:42:12 AM