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Thursday, August 04, 2011

8/5-7, 8/20: Baseball for Student Backpacks at Isotopes Park

Fidelity Investments and Mesa del Sol are partnering with the Albuquerque Isotopes to create a unique event in support of Albuquerque’s low-income students. Baseball for Backpacks will provide school supplies for students who attend Albuquerque Public Schools, including the APS Title I Homeless Program, which provides 6,000 homeless children and their families with enrollment assistance, school supplies, school uniforms and other services.

New school backpacks can be dropped off at the Isotopes box office during business hours through August 20. In return, donors will receive a voucher good for one Reserved Level seat good for any Sunday through Thursday Isotopes game. In addition, Fidelity volunteers will collect backpacks at all gate entrances during the games on Tax-Free Weekend (August 5-7) and at the August 20 game, when a school bus will be filled with all the donated supplies.

“Baseball for Backpacks is part of Fidelity Investment’s commitment to provide underserved students with the tools necessary for success,” said Leean Kravitz, Director of Government Relations for Fidelity Investments. “Our goal is to have every student start the school year with the tools they need to succeed.”

August 4, 2011 at 06:01 AM in Children and Families, Education, Sports | Permalink


Apparently their program is to have the public drop off the backpacks at the Isotopes office during "business hours" and during a weekend and another game. Are they already full of school supplies, or is this organization providing the things to go in them? Or are they just passing on empty backpacks?

Posted by: Michelle meaders | Aug 4, 2011 8:10:44 AM

I checked at the baseball game on Saturday, and they are just passing on what they get, which was lots of empty backpacks.

If you want to add the actual school supplies, here are the APS lists of what is suggested for each grade:

KOB-TV comparison shopped a few stores with the 5th grade list last week and found costs of $28-$38.

Several places and agencies are collecting school supplies; do any of them just take cash? Or it would be handy if stores had the supplies already assembled in packets. Otherwise they are likely to get an unbalanced selection, or people won't have time to do the extra shopping.

Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Aug 8, 2011 9:12:43 AM

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