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Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Conchas Fire: Labor Council Calls for Help for Los Alamos Residents
Looking NW from south edge of municpal airport in Los Alamos
The Santa Fe Reporter notes that the Conchas Fire in Northern New Mexico has now grown to 60,000 acres in two days and counting. So far, it is zero percent contained. Yesterday, a mandatory evacuation of the town of Los Alamos was ordered, and that evacuation proceeded in an orderly fashion with some traffic backups. Here's a link to the latest map of the fire based on an infrared flight last night. Here's a list of shelters, pet shelters, hotels that are offering reduced rates for evacuees and other helpful webites.
Frequently updated info is available on the website https://nmfireinfo.wordpress.com/, which reports today that no fires burned on Lab property overnight, that all nuclear and hazardous materials, including those at the Lab’s principal waste storage site known as Area G, are accounted for and protected, and that LANL monitoring teams detected no releases of radiological or other contaminants. That's the official word, anyway. It's been confirmed that EPA/DOE radiation air monitoring crews were sent in last night to monitor the Las Conchas fire.
KSFR's 101.1 tower was knocked out when the fire covered Pajarito Mountain in Los Alamos. The Santa Fe Public Radio station is still streaming info about the fire at ksfr.org/.
The Northern New Mexico Central Labor Council -- serving Santa Fe, Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Taos, San Miguel, Mora, and Colfax Counties -- issued a statement saying it's joining with area labor and community organizations In asking the community of greater Santa Fe to assist Los Alamos residents who have had to evacuate their homes and move to shelters or seek help from friends and family. Food and other items are needed.
Donations Need--The FOOD DEPOT, located at 1222 Slier Road In Santa Fe (505) 471-1633, is collecting the following:
- Handheld snacks such as granola and breakfast bars, trail mix, nuts, dried fruit
- Protein items such as peanut butter and beef jerky
- Meal supplies such as dried beans, rice and pasta
- Personal care items such as deodorant, toothpaste/toothbrushes, bar soap, shampoo/conditioner, hand wipes
- Paper products such as toilet tissue, napkins, cups, plates, towels, plastic cutlery
- NO clothing or household items will be accepted
Area labor unions and other socially active organizations are being asked to donate money to help purchase some of these items -- or to go out and buy $100-200 worth of these items and deliver them to The Food Depot. Items should be delivered Tuesday afternoon (1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, or on Wednesday morning 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, and Wednesday afternoon from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, and Thursday if necessary). Thanks to all who can lend a hand. Please pass this information to your friends, neighbors and colleagues. Click for a flyer (pdf) that can be downloaded and copied.
Santa Fe New Mexican resource page for Conchas fire.
Photo credit: Los Alamos National Laboratory Flickr account.
June 28, 2011 at 11:32 AM in Labor, Los Alamos | Permalink