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Saturday, May 14, 2011

DPNM Chair Gonzales Demands Apology From Roswell Daily Record and Keith Bell for Racist Cartoon

The following is a statement from Javier Gonzales, Chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, on the political cartoon (click for image) published in yesterday's Roswell Daily Record.

"Keith Bell's political cartoon that ran in yesterday's Roswell Daily Record clearly plays in to a racist stereotype which is offensive to anyone of Hispanic heritage. The Roswell Daily Record and Keith Bell must issue an apology for the racist cartoon."

"As I have said before, the President understands that solving the immigration crisis requires not only a comprehensive approach which includes increased border security, but also a recognition of the millions of immigrants in the United States contributing daily to our economy. We must have a frank discussion to solve this problem, and this racist cartoon is an example of divisive and vitriolic politics too often used by Susana Martinez and the Republican Party."  

May 14, 2011 at 12:12 PM in Border Issues, Democratic Party, Hispanic Issues, Immigration, Obama Administration | Permalink


Unfortunately, I do not believe they will apologize. They think they are justified in placing something so racist in theri very conservative paper. When I ran against Dan Foley a number years ago I went to the Roswell Daily Record for an interview for endorsement possibility. They had signs up in the paper office supporting George W. Bush, not a very impartial paper. I think we should boycott the paper as democrats, don't buy it on the newsstand and Pickett the paper and its ownership for allowing racist and bias reporting. We can no longer sit back and let the very right wing media be as racist as they want and not have to take responsibility for it.

Posted by: Stephanie DuBois | May 16, 2011 9:06:51 AM

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