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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Javier Gonzales Holds on to DPNM Chairmanship by 11 Votes Over Sam Bregman
Javier giving his speech to Dems today
The vote count just came in (via Twitter) for the SCC election for Chair of the Democratic Party of New Mexico (DPNM). After a sometimes very heated contest, incumbent Chair Javier Gonzales won reelection by 11 votes (out of 380 cast) over challenger Sam Bregman. The vote tally was Javier Gonzales 191, Sam Bregman 180 and Letitia Montoya 9.
In response, Chairman Gonzales released this statement:
“Today Democrats emerged united and ready for victory in 2012. Our mission is clear: secure re-election for President Obama, elect a Democrat to succeed Jeff Bingaman and continue to hold Governor Martinez’s feet to the fire over her divisive agenda. New Mexicans want leaders focused on creating jobs and investing in education -- and they’re not getting that from Martinez and the GOP.”
Steve Terrell has a good report on his blog about the election and the meeting.
Note: I originally had the vote tally off by 1 vote, as the reports on Twitter were incorrect.
April 30, 2011 at 01:45 PM in Democratic Party | |
Eric Griego Officially Enters NM-01 Congressional Race
I'm excited to report that a candidate from the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party is running for Congress in New Mexico' First Congressional District. State Senator Eric Griego released a statement today announcing he is officially entering the 2012 Democratic primary for the U.S. House seat in NM-01 -- along with a powerful four-minute-plus bio-type video to introduce his candidacy (see above). He said he will kick off his campaign for Congress with a rally next Saturday in Albuquerque. Sen. Griego he was forming an exploratory committee for a run in early April.
“The conservative Republicans running the U.S. Congress have declared war on working families,” Senator Griego said. “They want to privatize and ration Medicare for seniors, gut Medicaid for the most vulnerable children and families, and change the promise of retirement with dignity for Americans who have worked their whole lives. We need a Congressman to be their voice and champion on Capitol Hill.”
Griego's video establishes him as a family man who's heavily involved in his community, as well as a hard-nosed progressive fighter for families, children and workers who's ready, willing and able to take on the right wing attacks on education, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. As he says in the video, "The last thing we need to send to Washington is a Democrat who's a kinder, gentler version of the Republicans, frankly. Unfortunately, in Washington right now, there's an assault on the basic idea that we are a community." His campaign is associated with the words passion, principles and purpose.
"My view of public service is how do we get back to we're all in this together," Griego says in the video. He's shown speaking at a worker rally about community. Bob Felice, CEO of First Choice Community Healthcare, and Albuquerque firefighter Toby Baca are among those discussing Griego's dedication to the community and fighting for the people in terms of things like healthcare for all and worker protections.
"We need someone who's willing to fight for our basic values," Griego says, which are protecting our natural resources, creating good jobs -- not just for those who can really afford the best education -- but for everybody. And creating public schools that work for everyone."
We also get to learn about about Eric's roots in Barelas, where he was raised by a single mother, and hear from family members about his dedication to early childhood education. The video also underlines Sen. Griego's commitment to developing renewable energy resources and green jobs.
Senator Griego has served for three years in the New Mexico State Senate where he has sponsored legislation calling for sweeping campaign and ethics reform, including an independent state ethics commission and tougher campaign finance laws. He has also fought for a state budget that adequately funds our schools, healthcare and public safety, and sponsored a model green jobs bill that helps train workers for the jobs of the renewable energy economy.
“We need a Congressman who will unapologetically stand up for working families and take on those who would put the interests of the very richest Americans and large corporations ahead of our children, our seniors and our environment,” Griego said.
Before being elected to the New Mexico Senate, Senator Griego was a small business owner for five years, and later Assistant Secretary for Economic Development and Chairman of the State Economic Development Commission, where he worked to foster small business, and promote rural and community-based economic development.
Senator Griego also served on the Albuquerque City Council, where he championed campaign and ethics reform, including winning a national award for sponsoring one the nation’s only local public financing laws, and a city Office of Inspector General to review fraud and abuse cases. He also helped pass a comprehensive planning and growth policy that provides for more sustainable and equitable growth in Albuquerque and a water conservation ordinance that protects the city’s long term water supply. Griego also sponsored a quarter cent for public safety proposal passed by voters which made Albuquerque’s police and firefighters some of the best trained and equipped in the nation, while also investing in prevention and treatment programs to address the root causes of crime.
Before entering elected office, Senator Griego spent ten years working on international economic issues in Washington D.C. and in Latin America. He received his Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the University of Maryland, just outside D.C., and his Bachelor’s Degree in Government and Journalism from New Mexico State University. He is a proud graduate of Albuquerque High School and is a native of Albuquerque’s historic Barelas neighborhood, where he still lives with his fiancée Kimberly and son Lucas. He also has a grown daughter, Melissa, who lives in Albuquerque.
He currently serves as Executive Director of New Mexico Voices for Children, a non-profit research, policy and advocacy organization that fights for the state’s vulnerable children and working families.
For more details go to www.griegoforcongress.org or call the campaign at 505-304-3355.
The NM-01 Congressional seat is being vacated by fellow Democrat Rep. Martin Heinrich, who is running for U.S. Senate. In early April, Rep. Moe Maestas (D-Albuquerque) said he is "closely considering" entering the NM-01 race. Other names being bandied about as possible first district candidates include former Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, USDA Development Director for New Mexico, Terry Brunner, and Bernalillo County Commissioner Michelle Lujan Grisham. Sen. Griego is the first to announce his candidacy.
April 30, 2011 at 11:45 AM in Eric Griego, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012 | Permalink | Comments (5)
Friday, April 29, 2011
Community Groups Negotiate Historic Clean Water Act Settlement with LANL
From Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety:
Community groups and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) reached a final negotiated settlement agreement this week that resolves a three-year legal dispute over contaminated stormwater runoff emanating from the Lab. The settlement came after two years of negotiations among community groups, LANL (both Los Alamos National Security, the for-profit consortium that manages the Lab, and the Department of Energy), the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
A coalition of eight community organizations and two individuals announced the historic settlement resulting from a Clean Water Act (CWA) citizen enforcement action filed in March 2008 against LANL. The coalition was represented in this action by the Western Environmental Law Center (WELC) in Taos, New Mexico. The settlement supplements a previous agreement, negotiated by many of the same groups involved in the CWA enforcement action, on a new individual stormwater discharge permit for LANL that was issued by EPA on November 1, 2010.
The new permit is one of the most stringent in the United States. It requires LANL to install pollution control measures, increase monitoring and clean up numerous hazardous waste dump sites scattered throughout LANL’s property. Items not specifically dealt with by the new stormwater permit were addressed in the settlement agreement reached today.
“This historic victory and the recent stormwater permit will give the public strong tools for participating in the cleanup process at LANL,” said Joni Arends, Executive Director of Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety (CCNS), which has been monitoring LANL for over 20 years. “We’re looking forward to ensuring that the Lab and the regulatory agencies implement the permit so that the Río Grande and downstream communities will be protected from contamination running downhill from LANL”.
The settlement and stormwater permit together require that LANL capture and eliminate runoff from over 400 waste dump sites that have historically discharged pollutants to the Río Grande, a source of drinking water for Santa Fe.
In accordance with the new stormwater permit, LANL must install control measures at all sites by May 1, 2011 and eliminate toxic discharges from 63 “high priority sites” within three years –- by November 2013. These 63 sites are the proverbial bad actors that require immediate attention. Stormwater discharges from the remaining sites must be captured or eliminated by November, 2015.
Under the terms of the negotiated settlement, the community groups and their experts and technical advisors will have access to the waste dump sites, have technical meetings with LANL and have the opportunity to carefully review and comment on all decisions being made under the new permit. The agreement provides funding for the community groups to hire experts and obtain technical support to help facilitate their participation in the permitting process.
“This is a huge victory for clean water and the protection of people’s health,” said Brian Shields, Executive Director of Amigos Bravos, one of the community organizations that filed the citizen complaint against LANL. “The settlement agreement is an example of what can be achieved through perseverance, independent analysis, and tremendous support from the community.”
The new stormwater permit and negotiated settlement are designed to eliminate contaminated stormwater discharges from the Lab that could carry pollutants to the Río Grande. Stormwater is rainwater or snow melt that does not soak into the ground and becomes surface runoff that flows into rivers and streams. Stormwater running across contaminated soils, such as the dump sites at LANL, can pick up toxic materials and carry them into rivers and streams.
“It’s a new day,” said Matthew Bishop, the WELC attorney who represented the community groups and individuals. “When we first looked at the dump sites and stormwater issues at the Lab back in 2003, there was no site-specific monitoring, very few pollution control measures in place, and no meaningful corrective action occurring,” added Bishop. “With the new individual stormwater permit and negotiated settlement, we should see significant improvements to water quality in the Rio Grande.”
Some of the community groups have been studying LANL’s toxic legacy for many years, but the Cerro Grande fire in May 2000 compelled CCNS and Amigos Bravos to conduct a two-year study of LANL’s historic discharges. The two groups joined with community organizations in Santa Clara Pueblo and the Embudo Valley, along with New Mexico’s acequias to form Communities for Clean Water, whose mission is to protect the region’s waters for drinking, recreation, cultural practices, wildlife, and production of healthy food.
The Clean Water Act citizen complaint was filed in March, 2008 to address LANL’s lack of adequate monitoring and reporting and the Lab’s failure to ensure adequate pollution control measures were in place at all discharge sites.
“It was just inexcusable that LANL had failed for so long to clean up their toxic mess, which affects nearby Pueblo Nations and small towns and cities along the Río Grande,” said Kathy Sanchez, Director of Tewa Women United. “All of us are connected by water.”
Together, the new stormwater permit and today’s historic settlement will help community organizations and citizens keep an eye on pollution control measures at LANL.
Organizations and individuals that filed the citizen complaint are Amigos Bravos, Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, Embudo Valley Environmental Monitoring Group, New Mexico Acequia Association, Don Gabino Andrade Community Acequia Association, Partnership for Earth Spirituality, Río Grande Restoration, SouthWest Organizing Project, Tewa Women United, and Gilbert and Kathy Sanchez. The first four groups and Honor Our Pueblo Existence comprise Communities for Clean Water.
A full copy of the complaint, settlement agreement, and new stormwater permit can be found at: www.amigosbravos.org/lanl.php.
April 29, 2011 at 03:43 PM in Environment, Legal Issues, Nuclear Arms, Power | |
DFNM Blog Endorses Nancy Denker for SPARC Rep-at-Large
It is without hesitation that we endorse Nancy Denker for the Democratic Party of New Mexico State Platform and Resolutions Committee (SPARC) Representative at-Large.
If you do not know Nancy, we highly recommend introducing yourself to her at the DPNM State Central Committee meeting on April 30th. Nancy has Chaired the SPARC for the past two years and we have seen a very active and committed Platform and Resolutions Committee under her leadership. With Nancy at the helm of the Committee, we have seen many new, creative ideas emerge to help spread the message of what the DPNM Platform contains, what it means and why every Democratic candidate and office holder should support it.
Nancy Denker held regular meetings and the Committee actively urged our legislators and others to vote in accordance with the planks of the platform. Denker emphatically lives and breathes the platform and the Democratic values it represents, and has encouraged Dems around the state to get active in the resolution and platform process.
Nancy has also been heavily involved for many years in grassroots activism and volunteering for Party activities and campaigns at every level. In short, she is a Democrat's Democrat.
If you are a State Central Committee member, be sure to vote for Nancy Denker for State Platform and Resolutions Committee Representative at-Large. She is a fighter for us all and what the Democratic Party stands for.
April 29, 2011 at 01:19 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (2)
Reminder: AIDS Walk in ABQ Saturday 4/30
Click image for larger version
Read more about why you should get involved and how to do just that! Walk and/or donate!
April 29, 2011 at 12:47 PM in Events, GLBT Rights, Healthcare | Permalink | Comments (2)
5/1: ABQ Walk to Cure Capitalism and May Day Events
From Bernalillo County La Raza Unida:
We want to extend an invitation to all Working Class people and allies to participate in the "Walk to Cure Capitalism" and the May Day event planned at the Westside Community Center. The walk will start at noon at La Plazita Institute, 831 Isleta SW, in Albuquerque, and go to the West Side Community Center, 1250 Isleta SW. Please park at the empty lot on Lopez SW. Walking from the plazita near Lopez and Isleta is allowed as well.
The purpose of the walk is to promote working class solidarity amongst all workers, -- immigrant and citizen -- to have fun, and to bring light to workers issues. We ask marchers to please wear red and black. The Facebook Cause for the Walk is here.
There is also an event at the Westside Community Center that begins at 1:00 PM. There will be food, entertainment, games for the kids and the Casa de Salud (a non-insurance low-cost health center on the corner of Isleta and Arenal) will be offering a health fair. A co-ed soccer game is also scheduled and is $5 a-person with 5-8 players. There MUST be both men and women on the team. (Minimum age is 12.)
We know that capitalism cannot be "cured" -- this is a lighthearted approach to the serious issues of right to organize, workers rights, income and power concentration, corporate encroachment upon our lives, immigrant rights issues and more! Again, please wear red and black.
April 29, 2011 at 12:33 PM in Children and Families, Economy, Populism, Events, Hispanic Issues, Labor | Permalink | Comments (0)
Hector Balderas for Senate Campaign Announces Endorsements by Local Officials
The U.S. Senate campaign of State Auditor Hector Balderas released a statement announcing the names of local officials who are supporting his candidacy in the 2012 Democratic primary. Noting that just days after his into the race, "Balderas' message of bringing New Mexico values to Washington, DC is resonating with New Mexicans as he lines up support from local leaders across the state," the campaign said:
State Senator Phil Griego (D-San Jose), State Senator Cynthia Nava (D-Las Cruces), Bernalillo County Commissioner Michelle Lujan Grisham (D), Taos County Commissioner Larry Sanchez (D), New Mexico Rep. Joseph Cervantes (D-Las Cruces), New Mexico Rep. Miguel Garcia (D-Albuquerque) and Springer Mayor Danny Cruz (D) today announced their support for Hector Balderas' campaign for the United States Senate.
"I can think of no one better to represent the working people of New Mexico in the United States Senate than Hector Balderas. As State Auditor, Balderas demonstrated his steadfast commitment to getting our state's fiscal house in order. I look forward to his taking those skills to our nation's capital," Bernalillo County Commissioner Michelle Lujan Grisham said.
New Mexico Rep. Miguel Garcia joined Lujan Grisham in praising Hector Balderas. "New Mexicans trust Hector Balderas. I trust Hector Balderas. At a time of great economic strife, our country needs leaders who put aside party labels and focus on finding solutions to help struggling families. Hector has done this his whole career. It will be a proud day for New Mexico when Hector is representing our state in the United States Senate."
I'm humbled and honored to receive the support from these fine New Mexico public officials," remarked Balderas. "With their support, we're looking forward to building a true statewide grassroots campaign to ensure a brighter future for our children. Our campaign won't raise the most out-of-state special interest money, but, rather, will be fueled by the people of New Mexico yearning for a different kind of politics," Balderas continued. "That is why I am so grateful today to receive the endorsements from local leaders throughout New Mexico."
"But this is just the beginning. We're going to mobilize the people of New Mexico -- students, teachers, workers, seniors, local leaders, and small business owners alike-who are tired of words like 'accountability' and 'fiscal responsibility' being abused as political throw away lines, instead of cherished values that public policies are built upon," he concluded.
April 29, 2011 at 09:53 AM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Hector Balderas | Permalink | Comments (9)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Officials Dedicate New $10-million Hospital in Santa Rosa, NM
Robert Cordova, Chairman of Guadalupe County Hospital Board of Directors, cuts ribbon to signal opening of new $10-million facility. Looking on to Mr. Cordova’s left is U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman. To Mr. Cordova’s right (holding microphone) is Ms. Christina Campos, Administrator of the Guadalupe County Hospital. (Click photo for larger image.)
Earlier today, USDA Rural Development State Director Terry Brunner was joined by U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman in Santa Rosa to participate in the dedication of the newest hospital in New Mexico.
During the dedication ceremony Brunner stated, “The opening of this ARRA-funded medical facility is a good example how the Obama administration is working to build much needed infrastructure in rural communities across the state.” He added, “Providing quality health care in rural communities is a major challenge. We want to make sure that those living in Guadalupe County or traveling along I-40 have access to the same level of care that they would see in a metropolitan area.”
The new Guadalupe County hospital replaces the existing 56-year-old, 10-bed acute care hospital with a new 10-bed 21,410 square foot hospital and a 10,000 square foot medical clinic.
The funding for the new hospital was made possible by a $9,400,000 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) loan through USDA Rural Development’s Community Facilities loan program. The program provides funds to build essential community facilities and provides fundamental equipment for these facilities in rural areas of population of 20,000 or less.
The new hospital, built on the southwest side of Santa Rosa, is equipped with the most modern up-to-date medical equipment will now be able to provide higher level of medical care to the 5,000 residents of Guadalupe County and the surrounding area..
Over the years traffic along the Interstate has increased, and so has the need for more and better medical services for those travelers on Interstate-40. It is estimated by the State Department of Transportation that more than 30-thousand vehicles travel through Guadalupe County along Interstate-40 each day. The hospital is one of two that provides emergency medical services along the 290 mile stretch of interstate highway between Albuquerque and Amarillo, Texas making it strategically placed along the highway.
USDA Rural Development’s mission is to increase economic opportunity and improve the quality of life for rural residents. Rural Development fosters growth in homeownership, finances business development, and supports the creation of critical community and technology infrastructure. Further information on rural programs is available at any local USDA Rural Development office or by visiting USDA Rural Development’s web site.
April 28, 2011 at 04:02 PM in Healthcare, Obama Administration, Rural Issues, Sen. Jeff Bingaman | |
Rep. Martin Heinrich Urges President Obama to Keep Pledge on Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal
I'm very pleased to report that Congressman Martin Heinrich has personally urged President Obama to keep his pledge to begin substantial withdrawals of troops from Afghanistan this summer. In a strongly worded letter (pdf) dated April 25, 2011, Rep. Heinrich expressed his "strong support" for starting the drawdown of American military forces in July 2011. He noted that:
The gains achieved over the past year are notable, and having been among the first Members of Congress to in May 2010 to visit Kandahar City -- the birthplace of the Taliban movement -- I have seen firsthand that progress is being made.
However, challenges remain that no amount of American blood or treasure will completely solve. Indeed, we must be realistic about what is achievable and what is not. I remain deeply concerned about Afghan governance since President Karzai continues to underperform and corruption is widespread. Meanwhile, Pakistan remains reluctant to take aggressive action against extremist groups operating within its own borders. I fear the inability and unwillingness of these two partners are elements that even the heroic service of our troops and diplomats cannot overcome.
Rep. Heinrich assured the President that he realizes the drawdown will be "a complex process" like the one in Iraq, and that he will continue to support "our nation's efforts to ensure South Asia does not become a safe haven for violent terrorism." However, the Congressman reiterated that the drawdown needs to start this summer, and added,
I also request that the reduction of forces not be limited to support forces such as logistics specialists but also include combat troops.
In arguing for the troop withdrawal, Rep. Heinrich mentioned two powerful points:
We have spent over $450 billion in Afghanistan since the start of this war. Our youngest soldiers now serving in some of the most dangerous places on earth were just eight years old when our nation was attacked on September 11, 2001. It is time we start bringing out troops home.
Clearly, Rep. Heinrich is with us in pushing for an end, at last, to the conflict that has lasted longer than any war in the history of our nation. And given his seat on the House Armed Services Committee and his first-hand experience with our troops, military and diplomatic leaders and humanitarian workers in the region during his visit, his views will no doubt be taken very seriously by President Obama. I think Rep. Heinrich deserves a thank you for being pro-active on this issue and urging the President to do the same.
At a time when so many Americans are suffering from economic problems -- and important decisions are being made regarding what our government can afford to spend on health care, education and Social Security -- we need our President and members of Congress to face facts in Afghanistan. We need them to stop pouring billions of dollars per month into an almost decade-long war when it's become clear to most reputable experts that the battles there cannot be won by never-ending military action, despite the heroic efforts of our troops.
April 28, 2011 at 01:04 PM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Afghanistan, Military Affairs, Obama Administration, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (5)
Justin Bailey Guest Blog: Why I Support the Senate Candidacy of Hector Balderas
This is a guest blog by Justin Bailey, who is a chimney sweep in Taos and Santa Fe and works as a political organizer during election seasons. He led the effort in Taos County in 2008 for Obama, organized the Lujan Leadership Congressional Campaign Fellowship in the summer of 2010, and then worked as CD3's Regional Field Director for the DNC in 2010.
Tuesday was a big day in New Mexico: Hector Balderas officially announced his candidacy for U.S. Senate.
I've gotten to know Hector pretty well since I first met him in 2008, when I served as a Field Organizer for the Obama campaign in Taos County, where we were the best performing county for Democrats in any swing state in the country. Hector represents values that I respect and admire. Not only is he the first person in his family to graduate from college; he's the only person in the history of Wagon Mound to earn a law degree.
But those are not the reasons that I support his candidacy.
In 2010 Caroline Kennedy presented Hector Balderas with the New Frontier Award, recognizing him as one of the outstanding young public servants in the nation. The New Mexico League of Conservation Voters presented him with their 2011 CVNM Sunshine Award. When Hector was elected State Auditor in 2006, he became the youngest Hispanic elected to statewide office in the U.S. As Auditor, he established himself as a fighter against fraud and corruption. As a State Representative before that, he earned the award as rookie legislator of the year.
He was an early supporter of revolutionary Taos Architect and Earthship inventor Mike Reynolds' successful effort to pass a law that allows builders and architects to build experimental housing so they can develop new technologies to improve and create more sustainable housing. Hector has established himself as a champion of the environment, fiscal responsibility, and rights for the disabled. As a disabled person myself, with a nearly seventy percent hearing loss, the latter category is especially important to me.
But those are not the reasons that I support his candidacy.
I strongly believe that President Obama is going to need Hector Balderas on the general election ticket to energize the Hispanic Base -- not just statewide but nationally.
But that's not why I'm supporting him.
The reason I support Hector Balderas' candidacy for U.S. Senate is this: Last summer when I was putting together Congressman Lujan's Fellowship program to teach high school and college students how to organize politically, Hector offered to help conduct the training. He spent an hour and a half with the kids, and in that time he forged a connection with the young people that was truly amazing. These were kids from all different backgrounds: rich and poor, Native American, Hispanic, Anglo, and African American --and when he sat down and told them, "I want you to raise your expectations of yourselves," when he told them the powerful story of why he got into public service these kids were truly inspired.
I have never known a politician who can connect with and inspire young people quite like Hector Balderas can. My assistant last summer conducted an informal poll of the young participants in the fellowship program, asking them which politician would they would most want to have a one-on-one meeting with. The results came back unanimous: Every single young person in the fellowship program chose Hector Balderas as their number one choice.
I believe that if we are to ever have a chance to solve some of the problems we face as a society and as a country, we need leaders who can inspire young people to get involved and take leadership.
That is why I am doing what I can, as a volunteer, to help Hector Balderas get elected as our next U.S. Senator from New Mexico.
Its been a long time since I was this excited about a campaign -- and I hope you'll join me in supporting the next junior senator from New Mexico: Hector Balderas.
This is a guest blog by Justin Bailey.
If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of the page. Publication of a guest blog does not necessarily imply that we agree or disagree with the points made.
April 28, 2011 at 12:10 PM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Guest Blogger, Hector Balderas | |
DFNM Blog Endorses Terri Holland, Richard Cooley for DPNM Offices
It is that time of the season -- the spring Democratic Party of New Mexico (DPNM) elections of chairs and officers that occurs every other year. We all know the State Chair race is a very competitive contest among incumbent Javier Gonzales and challengers Sam Bregman and Letitia Montoya. Each candidate is passionate about the Democratic Party, and the DFNM blog has decided not to make an endorsement in that race. However, no matter who becomes the new chair, he or she will require strong Vice Chairs to work alongside them in the coming two-year cycle.
With that in mind, the DFNM blog has decided to make endorsements in the races for State Party Vice-Chair and CD1 Vice Chair.
We endorse Terri Holland to serve as DPNM Vice Chair. Being very familiar with Terri's character and passion for all things Democratic, we know she will be a very hard-working and active Vice Chair at a time when the Party needs all hands on deck. Terri has given countless hours of her life to volunteering and working for the county and state party, as well as many campaigns. She has pledged to attend all of the DNC meetings around the country required of this office, and to provide Democrats with comprehensive summaries of the issues discussed and the decisions made. Terri will be a fresh face in the post and we believe she'll provide some much-needed enthusiasm and a fresh eye to the office.
We also endorse Richard Cooley, who is running for the DPNM CD1 Vice-Chairmanship. Richard has served on the State Party's Affirmative Action Committee, and has also been an active participant on other Party committees. Richard has volunteered in many capacities over the years and he's the kind of volunteer who is ready to pitch in enthusiastically on any task. We know him as a loyal and passionate Democrat who will work hard to help elect every Democrat, up and down the ticket, and to represent the Democrats in the first congressional district. We believe that Richard will be a fabulous CD1 Vice Chair.
We urge State Central Committee members to vote for Terri Holland for DPNM Vice Chair, and for Richard Cooley for CD1 Vice Chair. --Barb and Mary Ellen, DFNM Blog
April 28, 2011 at 10:38 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)
Stephanie DuBois: Seeking Your Support for DPNM Regional Vice Chair, CD2
This is a guest blog by Stephanie DuBois of Tularosa, who is running for reelection to the post of CD2 Regional Vice-Chair of the Democratic Party of New Mexico.
It has been my pleasure to serve you as the Regional Vice-Chair of the Second Congressional District. I am just completing my fourth term and looking forward to continuing to serve you as we move the party forward to the 2012 elections. I want to express my gratitude and thanks for your support in the past and hope you will support me in this next election cycle.
The 2012 elections will be extremely important. Elections of our democratic candidates will be foremost. We will have a US Senate seat, all congressional seats and all New Mexico House and Senate seats up for election. Also redistricting will determine legislative and congressional lines. With more republicans in the New Mexico House, the State Senate is vulnerable especially now with Tea Party influence, not only in New Mexico but on the National level as well.
We must be prepared to communicate our democratic message. To dispel the rhetoric of the right and convince the voters that the values of Presidents Franklin Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton and Obama are what made and still make America strong.
I am asking for your vote and I pledge to stand beside you with my sleeves rolled up and together we will elect democrats whose values and visions will make New Mexico and America the country that most demonstrates the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Thank you. I asked for your vote on April 30,2011. I can always be contacted by phone 575-430-1640 and e-mail docdubois@aol.com
This is a guest blog by Stephanie DuBois, CD2 Vice Chair.
If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of the page. Publication of a guest blog does not necessarily imply that we agree or disagree with the points made.
April 28, 2011 at 09:50 AM in Democratic Party, Guest Blogger | |