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Saturday, April 02, 2011

Sunday 4/3: Join A Celebration of Workers in Santa Fe

From Interfaith Worker Justice-NM:

Join us for
A Celebration of Workers
and the contributions workers make to raise our families, to support our communities and to build this nation. We will thank those who stand up for working families of New Mexico.
Sunday, April 3rd, at 4 PM
at St. Bede's Episcopal Church in Santa Fe
at the corner of San Mateo and South St. Francis Drive
Featuring State Senator Peter Wirth,
Miles Conway, Communications Workers of America,
City Councilor Carmichael Dominques,
and other community leaders.

IF YOU HAVE A JOB, YOU ARE A WORKER: Teachers, students and principals, soldiers and veterans, nurses, technicians, dentists and doctors, managers and clerks, shopkeepers and cashiers, carpenters, roofers, painters, construction workers and custodians, farmers and ranch workers, waiters, dishwashers and chefs, police, prison and security guards, firefighters, bus, taxi and truck drivers and EMTs, secretaries and bookkeepers, housekeepers and realtors, film makers, artists and musicians, health, child and elder care workers, mail and newspaper carriers, reporters and librarians, advocates and therapists, parents and grandparents, attorneys and clergy ... and more.

OUR RIGHTS, WAGES, BENEFITS AND HOPES ARE VANISHING. Workers have demonstrated that we are willing to be part of the solution, but we cannot allow budget deficits to be put on the backs of New Mexico's working families.

The program begins with a gathering in the sanctuary for a welcome by the Reverend Richard Murphy and music by Charlie Pineda Following the program, there will be a special showing of the award winning documentary AT THE RIVER I STAND (56 minutes) about the 1968 strike by sanitation workers in Memphis, TN, which became—tragically—one of the most important events of the civil rights movements when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated on April 4th. It also tells the story of how the national leadership of AFSCME put the international union's full resources behind the strike. In workers history, this strike has achieved an almost mythical quality. It proved that the civil rights and workers rights movements could be merged.

This event has been planned to coincide with the April 4th National Day of Action by a coalition of faith and worker's rights organizations, including the AFL/CIO, NAACP, and Interfaith Worker Justice  ... in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the sanitation workers of Memphis. If your faith group or organization would like to co-sponsor this event, please contact hbeaumont@iwj.org to be listed.

(This message is sponsored by Interfaith Worker Justice - NM. You are invited to visit our national website to download resources individually and to access other faith-based statements on the right to organize.)

For more information, contact The Rev. Holly Beaumont, D. Min., Organizing Director, Interfaith Worker Justice - NM, PO Box 23468, Santa Fe, NM 87502, 505-660-5018, hbeaumont@iwj.or, https://www.iwj.org,

April 2, 2011 at 09:05 AM in Children and Families, Economy, Populism, Events, Faith Community, Jobs, Labor, Santa Fe | Permalink


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