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Monday, April 18, 2011

4/23: NMWA Wild and Scenic Film Festival in Albuquerque

Filmfestivalposter_smaller From the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance:
Join us for our annual Wild And Scenic Film Festival at the Guild Cinema in Albuquerque on Saturday, April 23, from 1:00 PM to 3:15 PM. The film fest is part of a national tour organized by the South Yuba River Citizens League, a California group that advocates for protecting rivers through Wild and Scenic status designation.The film series highlights the pressing local and regional environmental issues of today.

This year’s lineup of awe-inspiring environmental films includes:

2011-onepercent 1% of the Story: 1% for the Planet is a growing global movement of businesses financially committed to creating a healthy planet. Here’s [a very tiny bit] of the story. Ben Knight, Travis Rummel | 2009 | 15 min. | USA

2011-intodarkness Into Darkness: Journey along with a group of cavers who push impossibly small passages to access some of the final frontiers on earth. The images and sounds of these spectacular and remote wilderness caves reveal a fantastic world unlike anything we experience on the surface. Best in Show, NSS Video Salon; Audience Favorite Short Doc, NW Film. John Waller | 2010 | 15 min. | USA

2011-180south 180 South: Surfer and climber Jeff Johnson retraces the epic 1968 journey of Yvon Chouinard and Doug Tompkins, on which they drove, mountain climbed and surfed their way to Chilean Patagonia. Along the way, Jeff encounters surf, mountains, a dangerous ocean crossing, pulp mills, cowboys, and dams. The film is a road trip movie, a historic document. Chris Malloy | 2010 | 86 min. | USA

Tickets are $10 adults/$5 students. Kids free. Tickets are available at La Montanita Co-op in Nob Hill (3500 Central SE) OR reserve will-call tickets by calling Roger at 505-843-8696 x104.

April 18, 2011 at 09:33 AM in Environment, Events, Film | Permalink


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