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Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tonight: Marching Band Art Education Rally in Santa Fe With Teach 4 Amerika
Now this sounds intriguing. New York-based artist group The Bruce High Quality Foundation (BHQF) will continue their national Teach 4 Amerika tour with a public rally on Wednesday, April 20, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Santa Fe University of Art and Design, located at 1600 Saint Michaels Drive in Santa Fe.
Inspired by the spectacle and energy of a political rally and featuring a multimedia presentation by BHQF -- with balloons, t-shirts, and music from a local marching band -- the event is the next in a series of rallies and conversations that call for a rethinking of the current art education system. Teach 4 Amerika is a five-week, 11-city, coast-to-coast road trip, presented by Creative Time, that will cross state lines and institutional boundaries to inspire and enable local art students to define the future of their own educational experience.
Traveling the byways of America in a limousine painted as a school bus, BHQF will visit university art departments, art schools, art institutions and alternative spaces across the nation. The national tour, which began in New York on March 29 with a kickoff rally at the Cooper Union, will continue through May 2 with a combination of dynamic public rallies and intimate conversations hosted by local partners in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Minneapolis/St Paul, Detroit, Denver, Santa Fe, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Portland.
The Bruce High Quality Foundation, the official arbiter of the estate of Bruce High Quality, is dedicated to the preservation of the legacy of the late social sculptor, Bruce High Quality. In the spirit of the life and work of Bruce High Quality, we aspire to invest the experience of public space with wonder, to resurrect art history from the bowels of despair, and to impregnate the institutions of art with the joy of man’s desiring.
Since 1974, Creative Time has presented the most innovative art in the public realm. The New York-based nonprofit has worked with over 2,000 artists to produce more than 335 groundbreaking public art projects that have ignited the public's imagination, explored ideas that shape society, and engaged millions of people around the globe.
April 20, 2011 at 02:03 PM in Arts, Education, Events, Santa Fe | Permalink