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Sunday, March 13, 2011

3/15: NM Citizens to Rally to Defend the American Dream on Albuquerque Plaza

On Tuesday, March 15, local MoveOn members will gather in Albuquerque’s Civic Plaza at 3rd and Tijeras to defend the American Dream. The event will highlight the attacks on the American Dream and workers’ rights that Republicans are making, at both the state and national level, and will hold Governor Martinez and Congressman Steve Pierce accountable for supporting the Republicans’ immoral budget proposal.

Click to . Click for flyer (pdf) and please post and/or pass along to your friends.

The Republicans recently proposed more than $100 billion in cuts to the federal budget, which would result in deep funding cuts for the children under 5 years old in Head Start, for low-income students in Education for the Disadvantaged programs, for students in higher education receiving Pell Grants, job training and employment assistance for the unemployed through the Workforce Investment Act, as well as cuts to Community Development grants, funds to assure clear and safe water, and law enforcement assistance. At the event, participants will also stand in solidarity with Wisconsin workers, who had many of their rights stripped from them last week in a Republican power grab.

On top of cutting dozens of government programs that hundreds of millions of Americans rely on, the proposed Republican budget cuts would also fire 65,000 teachers, kill 700,000 jobs and send 10,000 veterans into homelessness. That includes at least 4,300 jobs in New Mexico alone.

“We’re here today to say enough is enough. Last week, Wisconsin Republicans rammed through their attack on workers' rights in a shocking power grab, and Congress is poised to strike a horrible deal on the federal budget, gutting health care, environmental protections, and housing assistance, among many other things,” said Gregory Sandoval, a local MoveOn member. “We want to make it clear to Congressman Pierce that by supporting the Republicans’ incredibly dangerous budget proposal, he is launching an assault on the American Dream. Instead of punishing working Americans, we should invest in America by making corporations and millionaires pay their fair share.”

WHAT: Rally to Defend the American Dream of Workers

WHO: MoveOn members

WHERE: Albuquerque Civic Plaza at 3rd St. & Tijeras Avenue NW

WHEN: Tuesday, March 15, 5:30 to 6:30 PM

RSVP: Political Action is a political action committee powered by 5 million progressive Americans. We believe in the power of small donors and grassroots action to elect progressive leaders to office and to advance a progressive agenda. We do not accept any donations over $5,000, and the average donation to Political Action is under $100.

March 13, 2011 at 11:19 AM in Economy, Populism, Education, Events, Jobs, Labor, Veterans | Permalink


The AFL-CIO rally yesterday in Santa Fe was also quite powerful. I would say 700 people were there. We capped it off with a march through the Roundhouse. Here is the video I took:

Posted by: Tom Solomon | Mar 13, 2011 2:06:03 PM

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