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Friday, February 18, 2011
Terry Riley Guest Blog: Thank You Senator Eric Griego!
This is a guest blog by Terry Riley, a long-time progressive and Democratic Party activist who lives in Albuquerque.
I attended the Senate Public Affairs Committee meeting (SPAC) on Tuesday, February 15th. Twice during the time I was there Senator Eric Griego spoke out very strongly for the average New Mexican. He specifically called out the majority of the politicians in New Mexico for being afraid to ask the large out-of-state corporations to pay taxes at the same rate as our local corporations and to ask citizens who earn over $150,000 adjusted income each year to pay taxes on everything that they earn.
He specifically complained that the Legislative Finance Committee has already decided that our seniors, our teachers, firefighters, police, state, city and county employees are the targets for a little more revenue for the state.
It is not acceptable to applaud during any legislative session or committee meeting, but the citizens in attendance applauded loudly. Senator Griego deserved the applause.
Please send a letter or an e-mail to Senator Griego thanking him for his very strong support of We The People.
Sen. Eric Griego, Democrat, District: 14
County: Bernalillo & Valencia
Senator Since: 2009
Occupation: Non-Profit Management
Address: 1003 Santa Fe Avenue SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Capitol Phone: (505) 986-4862
Home Phone: (505) 259-7600
E-mail: eric.griego@nmlegis.gov
This is a guest blog by Terry Riley. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of the page.
February 18, 2011 at 04:20 PM in Children and Families, Economy, Populism, Education, Eric Griego, Guest Blogger, Labor, NM Legislature 2011, Progressivism, Taxes | Permalink
I am amazed that, a year ago, there were legislative efforts to deal with the very same issues. They were exhausting, knock down and drag out difficult sessions. Yet, the very same thing under discussion then, is under discussion now.
What is so sacred to Republicans about the big box stores like WalMart and Target getting a tax break when almost no other state allows this?
The only thing I can think of is that they think they will look like geniuses when gas prices at the pump go up over 3.50 or 4.00 again and oil and gas revenues come back to the state's coffers. Never mind that this will probably extenuate the recession.
I agree. Bravo to Sen. Griego. I hope he gets more media time to explain the situation to more people.
Republicans seem to have people convinced that the prospect of disallowing tax breaks to the retailers who take our money out of state, will somehow cause the Apocalypse.
Thanks, Terry for this notice.
Posted by: Stuart Heady | Feb 20, 2011 9:30:35 AM