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Friday, February 25, 2011

Saturday at Noon in Santa Fe: Rally to Save the American Dream!

Solidarity Rallies to Save the American dream are being organized in front of every state capitol and in every major city all over the nation on Saturday, February 26, at 12 Noon local time. The Rallies are in solidarity with union battles in Wisconsin, Indiana and beyond, and in support of working class and middle class Americans generally. It's now or never.

In New Mexico, our rally is set for Noon on Saturday outside the Roundhouse in Santa Fe. !

Folks are being asked to wear Badger Red and White in solidarity with Wisconsin's workers. Bring lots of signs, musical instruments and noisemakers too. Most of all, bring yourself, your friends, your neighbors and your family!

We demand an end to the attacks on worker's rights and public services across the country. We demand investment, to create decent jobs for the millions of people who desperately want to work. And we demand that the rich and powerful pay their fair share!

More than 40 organizations have so far endorsed the rallies:

Madisonprotest_230x345 MoveOn, Van Jones/ Rebuild the Dream, AFL-CIO, SEIU, AFSCME, USAction/ TrueMajority, Democracy for America, Working America, Daily Kos, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Jobs with Justice, National People's Action, 1Sky,, Center for Community Change,, Courage Campaign, CREDO, Common Cause, Keystone Progress, People for the American Way, Progressive Majority,, United States Student Association, Green for All, American Rights at Work, Apollo Alliance, , Working Families Party,, Energy Action Coalition, Media Matters Action Network, Partnership for Working Families, Sierra Club, Campaign for America's Future, Campus Progress, Job Party, Living Liberally, Progressive Future, HCAN.

Once again, in New Mexico, our rally is set for Noon on Saturday outside the Roundhouse in Santa Fe. !

If you can't be at one of the rallies, you can participate online. Visit tomorrow for live blogging updates from rallies across the nation. Folks will be sending in/Tweeting photos from events and plans are in the works to have several video feeds from events, if possible. Participants will be using Twitter hashtag #WeAreWi, so you can follow that on Twitter or on the MoveOn website. Be a part of the exploding movement demanding what's right for America's working people! Let's show our elected officials the power of the people!

February 25, 2011 at 10:41 AM in Economy, Populism, Events, Jobs, Labor | Permalink


I am 150% in support of the WI State Senators, collective bargaining and all the rallying!! It is great! But it is very hard and time consuming to get to Santa Fe. This says rallies in all major cities. Maybe ABQ isn't a major city yet, but can we have a rally in ABQ, too? Maybe next week if these continue the next one could be in ABQ? Just a thought...

Posted by: cheryl | Feb 25, 2011 11:03:35 AM

These rallies were organized primarily by MoveOn, with citizens stepping up to create events across the country. Nobody organized one in Albuquerque, but that doesn't mean we can't in the future, depending on what happens.

Posted by: barb | Feb 25, 2011 12:23:56 PM

We don't need no stinking MoveOn. Let's do it here in Burque!

Time: 12 noon.


Posted by: Stephen | Feb 25, 2011 8:24:01 PM

how was the rally?
was there in spirit
i live a looong ways SE

heads up:
huffington post
fb will let 3rd parties access
fone #s and address of all
of us!!
all info on my fb wall
please let me know
what you think about this
breech of privacy

Posted by: joyce | Mar 2, 2011 11:27:31 AM

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