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Thursday, February 03, 2011
Rep. Bill O'Neill's Bill for 1-Year Prohibition on Lobbying Gets Unanimous Support in First Committee
A bill sponsored by State Rep. Bill O’Neill (D-Albuquerque) that would prohibit lobbying by a former statewide elected official, a former public regulation commissioner, a former state legislator and a former cabinet secretary for one year had unanimous committee support today. House Bill 67 passed the House Health and Government Affairs Committee (HHGAC) with a vote of 8-0.
Rep. O’Neill said, “This is just common sense legislation and emulates the Congressional circumstance where former legislators are not allowed to lobby for 2 years after holding office. People in my district, as well as around the state, understand the need for this kind of transparency.”
According to the New Mexico Secretary of State’s office, anyone found to violate these provisions would be subject to the penalties set forth in the Lobbyist Regulation Act. It provides for a fine up to $5,000 and revocation of lobbyist registration, or enjoinder of lobbying activities for up to three years. At least 16 states restrict former legislators from lobbying for one year after leaving office and six states have two-year restrictions.
House Bill 67 now heads to the House Business and Industry Committee (HBIC) for consideration.
February 3, 2011 at 07:30 PM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, Government, NM Legislature 2011 | Permalink
This should be for 10 years not just one.
Posted by: Rudy | Feb 4, 2011 3:12:39 PM