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Saturday, February 19, 2011
Politico: State Auditor Hector Balderas 95% Committed to Entering 2012 Senate Race
Hector Balderas speaking at Dem Party event
According to today's column by David Catanese on Politico, New Mexico Auditor Hector Balderas plans to run for U.S. Senate in 2012. He said Balderas "
... Hector Balderas has all but settled on running for the U.S. Senate seat that will be vacated by Sen. Jeff Bingaman next year, according to a Democratic source familiar with his thinking.
Balderas, who is considered a rising star in his party for becoming the youngest Hispanic statewide elected official in the country in 2006, has already contacted the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, made phone calls to donors and consultants and taken the initial steps to build a campaign team, the source told POLITICO Saturday.
"It's 95 percent. He's all but in," said the source.
... The source said there's no timetable for a public announcement, but considering the pace of Balderas' outreach, it's likely to be sooner rather than later.
February 19, 2011 at 03:40 PM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Hector Balderas, Sen. Jeff Bingaman | Permalink
I am over the top happy about this possibility and anxiously await Hector's decision. Hector is EXACTLY the sort of fresh-faced candidate who could breath life into this race. His record is impeccable, and he exudes sincerity in all of his actions. I think he would galvanize the party behind him in a primary and bring many Independent and Republican voters who admire his anti-corruption record in a general election.
Posted by: LaDonna | Feb 19, 2011 4:17:49 PM
I think Balderas may well be our strongest candidate and he wouldn't have to give anything up to run. We can't risk losing the seats in CD1 and 3, and Rep. Lujan and Rep. Heinrich would have to give up their seats to run. Too risky and they both are embarked on what look to be really good careers in the House. Maybe later. They could certainly do the job, but the timing seems wrong.
Balderas could combat the Susana Martinez factor and instead use it to our advantage since he is so powerful on the fighting waste and corruption thing. And he is such a young and already prominent Latino on the national scene. With his NALEO role and his Kennedy honors, he has great stuff to draw on.
He needs to develop his positions on the issues, in depth, and work a bit on his speaking style, but that's doable over the two years we have.
Balderas carries no baggage and is the kind of fresh face voters seem to be looking for. We cannot afford to have one of the old standard bearers like King or Denish as candidates. Time to unleash a new set of leaders in the Democratic Party and Balderas is one of them.
Posted by: mytwocents | Feb 19, 2011 5:19:46 PM
Hector Balderas would be a great candidate and a wonderful Senator. I can support him without reservation. Mr. Auditor, it's time to rev up your public speaking schedule!
I think Martin Heinrich could also win this seat, but he would take a big risk giving up his relatively safe House seat. He certainly has the gravitas and public speaking skills now. The recent congressional race has tuned up his campaign skills nicely, as well as those of his staff. I just hate risking the CD-1 seat. Luckily, I don't have to make that decision. I certainly don't envy Martin his!
Posted by: Proud Democrat | Feb 19, 2011 6:41:36 PM
I would work my tail off for Hector.
Posted by: Mary Ellen | Feb 19, 2011 7:24:53 PM
Shaving his head gives me pause, so if he lets it grow out a bit, go Hector go!
Posted by: Heather | Feb 19, 2011 7:41:30 PM
I like his look. It's of today, not yesterday
Posted by: Mona | Feb 19, 2011 7:46:15 PM
I would happily support Hector, Martin, or Ben Ray. They all have the experience, brains, ability to represent us well. The biggest problem with Martin would be who could win the CD1 seat for the Dems if he ran for Senate.
Please, Diane and Bill DO NOT even consider running. If you only knew how poorly you are thought of down in the grass roots ranks after the last few years. It is definitely time for fresh faces.
Posted by: cheryl | Feb 19, 2011 8:10:41 PM
Posted by: Ejército Libertador del Sur | Feb 20, 2011 3:56:54 PM
Hector is another Richardson man. He would not have my vote.
Posted by: dnl | Feb 20, 2011 8:05:57 PM
dnl - Hector Balderas is his own man and has shown that all during his first term as auditor and into this one. Stop with the silly comments.
Posted by: progdan4 | Feb 21, 2011 9:19:00 AM
I would gladly support Hector, but I would urge Heinrich to run! He would energize the entire party, and the youth in Albuquerque absolutely love him. He would have a large amount of loyal foot soldiers. Who could win the first congressional district? I endorse Marty Chavez.
Posted by: Nate Galesic | Feb 21, 2011 2:13:59 PM
Hector is the best candidate among all the potential Dems. Neither Heinrich or Lujan have run a statewide race. Balderas has two under his belt, winning both by wide margins. He appeals to both urban progressives, rural moderates, independents and even some conservatives. His work cleaning out corruption and government waste would make for a great narrative in a general election against Republicans who will be driving the "government waste" message hard. Go Hector!
Posted by: javier | Feb 21, 2011 9:47:49 PM
Um, what are Hector's positions on the issues? Doesn't this count?
Posted by: A Question | Feb 22, 2011 9:34:20 AM