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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bill Requiring First Responders to Assist Victims Without Determining Legal Status Goes Before Senate Today

The full New Mexico Senate will hear Senate Bill 151 today, legislation requiring first responders to assist victims without inquiring about their immigration status. The bill is a joint venture between Sen. Tim Keller (D-Albuquerque) and Rep. Antonio "Moe" Maestas (D-Albuquerque).

"Emergency situations and natural disasters must be about humanity, not politics. First responders are our heroes. Responding to natural disasters or 911 emergencies is not the time for petty inquires," Rep. Maestas said. "We must not prevent women from coming forward to report domestic abuse or rape, or discourage any other individuals from reporting crimes or calling 911 for help in emergencies."

Senate Bill 151 requires a  law enforcement officer, emergency medical technician or firefighter responding to an emergency or call for assistance to render aid and assistance without asking the immigration status of persons at the scene. It also bars any law enforcement officer from inquiry into the immigration status of any person within three hundred yards of a school or institution of higher learning, a hospital or medical center or place of worship.

Previously, a committee substitute passed the Senate Public Affairs Committee (SPAC) 5-1, with additional amendments applied when the bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee (SJC) 7-2.

Take Action: Contact your Senator and urge them to vote yes on SB 151.

February 22, 2011 at 11:24 AM in Civil Liberties, Immigration, NM Legislature 2011 | Permalink


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