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Sunday, February 06, 2011

ACTION ALERT: SJM 15 and 16 Film Incentive Study Bills in Senate Rules Monday

From Film Works For New Mexico:
Senate Joint Memorials 15 and 16 will be heard at 8:30 AM Monday, February 7th, in Room 321 of the Roundhouse in Santa FE. The film industry supports these bills because they are asking for a thorough study of the Film Incentive Program BEFORE any changes are made. Both memorials are sponsored by Senator Phil A. Griego and will be heard by the Senate Rules Committee.

Take Action: Call or email members of the Senate Rules Committee  and ask them to vote “YES” on SJM 15 and SJM 16Thank you!

Also, to learn more about this issue, check out Crew New Mexico's comprehensive website about the New Mexico Film Incentives that is designed to bring everyone together to learn, share and build a cohesive voice and effective constituency. The site provides a focused, thorough and approachable destination for all to learn about the New Mexico Film Industry, and the financial incentives that help make it a reality.

February 6, 2011 at 12:49 PM in Action Alerts, Economy, Populism, Film, Jobs, NM Legislature 2011, Taxes | Permalink


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