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Tuesday, January 04, 2011

MLK Day 1/17: AFT New Mexico "Education Is A Civil Right" Rally at the Roundhouse

Although our new Republican Governor Susana Martinez pledged during her campaign that she will not support further cuts in education, she has since changed her tune. She's now backed off her earlier promise and is saying she will protect only "classroom funds," whatever that means in right-wing-speak. Despite already huge cuts made to education, Susana and her cronies claim more can be found to put on the chopping block.

That's why it's so important for us to join with teachers and show up in huge numbers at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe at their MLK Day rally. Please pass it on: click for flyer (pdf).

From AFT New Mexico:
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. dedicated his life to fighting for civil and human rights. Join the American Federation of Teachers New Mexico and Albuquerque Teachers Federation for our "Education is a Civil Right" rally at the Roundhouse on Monday, January 17th -- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! We must raise revenues instead of cutting education.

A 1/17 Rally for Revenue Options for Education:

Send a message to lawmakers that we can’t cut our way to prosperity. VOTERS, PARENTS AND EDUCATORS WILL NOT STAND FOR IT!

Please print and fill out one or more of these notebook paper forms with your views on education, and bring them to the rally so they can be passed along to the governor and legislators.

January 4, 2011 at 10:52 AM in Education, Events, Holidays, Labor, NM Legislature 2011 | Permalink


I got an e-mail from the NM Railrunner Express about service on the MLK holiday:

"January 17th the train will operate on a Saturday schedule. A train departing Downtown ABQ at 11:32am arrives at the Santa Fe Depot at 1:04pm."

It's not on their website yet: https://www.nmrailrunner.com/schedule_weekend.asp

Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Jan 7, 2011 11:28:57 AM

I'll be there.

Posted by: Tiffany Fiser | Jan 14, 2011 6:16:32 PM

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