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Friday, January 07, 2011

1/8: DWBC APS School Board Candidate Forum at UNM Law School

From DWBC:
Please join the Democratic Women of Bernalillo County (DWBC) this Saturday, January 8, at the UNM Law School from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM for an APS School Board Candidate Forum (map). A light Continental Breakfast will be provided. Questions please call or email Cornelia Lange, 292-7365 or Click for flyer.

Click for more information including sample ballots for the APS Board election, which takes place on February 1, 2011. Early in-person voting starts today at these locations.

January 7, 2011 at 11:51 AM in Education, Events | Permalink


I was very disappointed by Mr. Zook from District 1 and Mr. Nuñez from District 2. When asked how they would help raise revenue, rather than continue to allow cuts to continue, they evaded the question.

Mr. Zook, as well as Felix Nuñez, both suggested educators work with the funding that we have. As a teacher in APS who took a 12% pay cut this year (take home pay of $19K) and whose school runs out of copy paper by March every year, I must ask them: "Where should we get the money to work with, the money that we don't seem to have?"

Posted by: John Simms | Jan 8, 2011 10:08:00 AM

Catherine Corte (district 2) pointed out Griegos Elementary's relatively small size was a great asset to the schools success. She also wanted to have less top-heavy delineation- more diversification- of what is going on in the content areas of the classroom. She liked the idea of community-customized education, learning that connects to the community. I liked her, she seemed on top of things.

Posted by: John Simms | Jan 8, 2011 10:13:41 AM

Mary Esquivel (District 4) spoke to the fact his daughter. He believes 'taking a sledgehammer to APS is not a solution.' He spoke to the power of teachers and administrators and admits that while there are problems, a lot of great things have been going on and improvements being made.

Cheryl (missed her surname) (District 4) - Wants to open up more dialogue, be more proactive, willing to make mistakes, and celebrate our gains. Wants to keep classroom size and school size small. She believes that relationships are the key to making our schools better. It's true! Teachers who attune/connect with their students tend to have better results in their classrooms.

Posted by: John Simms | Jan 8, 2011 10:24:25 AM

Caudido (SP?) Arhuleta (District 4) - Primary motivation for running for school board is having 2 young children who are entering our schools. Has a background in community development and public policy. He is married to a social worker in APS. Believes in service to our communities. Dual language advocate. We need to find ways to retain and recruit all people who have a hand in how schools are administered. He feels that there is too much resistance to communication and getting things done in APS. He would have my vote if I were in District 4.

Posted by: John Simms | Jan 8, 2011 10:28:48 AM

Names of candidates:

District 1, South Valley: Incumbent Dolores Griego, who has served in the position for the past four years. Phillip Chavez, Analee Maestas, Clara Peña and Jay Zook.

District 2, northwest: John Herrera, Katherine Korte, Felix Nuñez, Peter Sanchez, and Greg Snyder. Incumbent District 2 board member Robert Lucero is not seeking re-election.

District 4, center of city and downtown: incumbent Martin Esquivel, who currently serves as president of the board; Candido Archuleta Jr.; Cheryl Harris; and Charles MacQuigg.

Posted by: Teacher | Jan 8, 2011 11:25:07 AM

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