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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sen. Wirth, Rep. Egolf to Hold District Meetings to Discuss 2011 Legislature

Sen. Wirth, Rep. Egolf

State Senator Peter Wirth (D-Santa Fe) and State Representative Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) have scheduled three meetings with residents of their districts. The first will be Tuesday, January 4th, at the Genoveva Chavez Community Center, 3221 Rodeo Road in Santa Fe, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. The second will be Thursday, January 6th, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center in the Lamy/Peralta Rooms. The third will be Wednesday, January 12th, in the Eldorado area from 6:00 to 8 PM at Mike’s Music Exchange, 7 Caliente Road across from the Agora Shopping Center.

“Representative Egolf and I look forward to the opportunity to visit with our Santa Fe constituents,” Wirth said in a written statement. “With the state facing the worst budget crisis in its history, we need their input and ideas.”

Senator Wirth and Representative Egolf have made district meetings a regular part of their legislative duties, and both underscore their importance.

“These meetings are one of the most important things we do,” Egolf said today. “They are a way for us to better understand individual and neighborhood concerns, while discussing the best way to proceed on legislative issues.”

Wirth represents State Senate District 25. Egolf represents State House District 47. Since their districts overlap, they say they work together whenever possible in addressing issues of concern to Santa Fe residents.

December 30, 2010 at 12:43 PM in Economy, Populism, Events, NM Legislature 2011, Santa Fe | Permalink


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