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Friday, December 31, 2010

Inauguration Day Caps Dona Aña County’s Hard Fought Election Season

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Contributing writer Stephen Jones checks in with more on-the-ground coverage from Southern New Mexico.

The long 2010 campaign season came to a close on Thursday when District Judge Jerald A. Valentine administered the oath of office, swearing in Dona Aña County elected officials at the County Board assembly chamber in Las Cruces. A big standing-room only crowd of friends, family and local residents were on hand to witness the official ceremony, as state and local officials gathered to take the oath.

Outgoing Dona Aña County Commission Chairman Oscar Vasquez Butler welcomed the new officeholders and thanked Dona Aña County voters for what he termed “a good run.” Butler has served two terms at the County and retired from public office today. Butler said that he was proud of the diversity of the newly elected leadership from the County, which he said “truly reflects our New Mexico.”

Among those taking the oath of office for the first time were Dona Aña County Assessor Andy Segovia, County Commissioner Billy Garrett, and Magistrate Judge Jose L. “Joel” Cano. District Judge Mannie Arrieta, who was elected to a full term as an elected judge was also sworn in.

Among the others taking their oaths of office were State Representatives Joni Gutierrez, Mary Helen Garcia, Andy Nunez and Joseph Cervantes. The four Democrats will return to the legislature in Santa Fe next month. County Commissioner Karen Perez, Probate Judge Alice Salcido and Magistrate Judge Olivia, Garcia who were re-elected in contested contests, were also sworn in.

Photos by Stephen Jones. To see more posts by Stephen, visit our archive.

December 31, 2010 at 12:05 PM in By Stephen Jones, Contributing Writer, Events, Las Cruces | Permalink


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