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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

We Are New Mexico: Susana Martinez Takes Money From Man Who Believes Rape Is Enjoyable

Video: Clayton Williams in his own words

When it comes to rape, "as long as it's inevitable,
you might as well lie back and enjoy it.

--Clayton Williams, Texas Oilman and Big Campaign Contributor to Fellow Texan Susana Martinez.

The political organization We Are New Mexico today released a scathing statement (see below) in response to Republican candidate for governor, Susana Martinez, accepting a $15,000 campaign donation from Clayton Williams Energy. The Texas company is owned by Clayton Williams, a Republican billionaire oil tycoon from Texas who became infamous for telling his "joke" about rape (above) when he ran unsuccessfully for Texas governor against Democrat Ann Richards. In another widely publicized incident in that race, Williams refused to shake hands with Ann Richards at a public debate. Quite the gentleman.

Williams is also known for bragging about his visits to Mexican brothels:

Clayton Williams summed up this blasé attitude [toward brothels] during his gubernatorial campaign with a casual and costly admission of frequenting Mexican prostitutes in his youth. "It's part of growing up in West Texas," he told wide-eyed reporters. "It was a lot different then. The houses were the only place you got serviced. It was kind of what the boys did at A&M."

And just today, a Texas newspaper published an article about widespread complaints about a water scheme created by Clayton Williams. Check out the details below.

Statement by We Are New Mexico:
"The women of New Mexico deserve a governor who respects that rape is a horrific and traumatic crime. How can a "prosecutor" take even one penny from a man who believes that rape is enjoyable. But, what about Susana Martinez's track record on rape prosecutions? Take a look at the most high profile rape cases of her career:

"Six men charged with second degree rape, a charge which carries an 18 year sentence. Of those, three men walked away "scot-free" without a conviction.

"At least one of the rapists had his charges dropped down to petty misdemeanors due to the constitutional violations by Martinez's husband, Chuck Franco. One rapist was convicted of two counts of rape -- but Martinez's office could get him no more than 5 months in prison.

"Martinez has sought out campaign contributions from the wealthiest Texans, even flying back to her home state just to solicit money. New Mexicans deserve better than a woman candidate for governor that thinks it’s okay to fund her campaign with money from Texans who think women should enjoy being raped.

"We Are New Mexico, a newly formed New Mexico political organization, has been airing radio commercials and distributing printed literature regarding the upcoming election for New Mexico’s next Governor for the past three weeks. (Go to https://wearenm.com for more information.)"

Williams Caused Trouble for McCain Too
You'd think that Susana Martinez would know better. During the summmer of 2008, GOP presidential candidate John McCain got into trouble when he agreed to hold a fundraiser sponsored by Clayton Williams. After the media brought up the "rape joke," McCain was forced to cancel the big-dollar event. Martinez, however, doesn't seem to have any shame about where she gets her campaign cash. She gobbled up a $450,000 donation from disgraced Texas Swiftboater Bob Perry and his wife without any problem at all. In fact, a huge amount of her campaign's funding comes from bigwig political operators in Texas and beyond.

Williams Water Grab
As for Clayton Williams, he's also a guy who's into shady water schemes. Just today, the Big Bend Sentinel published an article reporting on the uproar in Texas over a proposed water deal proposed by Williams:

The Big Bend’s state senator and state representative will fight proposed legislation that would allow Clayton Williams to pump 40 million gallons of groundwater per day from Fort Stockton to Midland.

“I’ll fight it all the way, as hard as I can,” District 19 Senator Carlos Uresti said this week. “I hope it will never see the light of day.”

... “I don’t think there’s anyone in Fort Stockton or Pecos County in favor of transporting this water to Midland,” Pecos County Judge Joe Shuster said Tuesday afternoon. “We’d rather see it used to promote industry here rather than utilized to promote industry in someone else’s county or city.

Few are pleased about Clayton Williams' water proposal:

Ranchers, land owners, an environmentalist and the mayor of Iraan all spoke in opposition to the plan ... “Rep. Craddick’s bill sets a dangerous president for other opportunistic water marketers in other parts of our great state to propose other long distance water transfers,” she said. “This bill is clearly not in the public’s interest, but for Mr. Williams’ interest, and people like him who place their greed for money above the interests of the people of Texas.”

Make's you wonder why Clayton Williams is forking over a big fat campaign donation to a candidate for governor in New Mexico, doesn't it? Especially one like Susana Martinez, who was born and raised in Texas. New Mexicans beware.

Also see our about the response of the Democratic Party of New Mexico and the Diane Denish campaign to Clayton Williams' donation to Susana Martinez.

October 13, 2010 at 04:16 PM in 2010 NM Governor's Race, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, Susana Martinez, Water Issues, Women's Issues | Permalink


The more we learn about La Tejana the more scummy we know she is. Maybe she wants this guy to come and steal water from NM too. Martinez has no class and the people who give her money are proof of that.

Posted by: Jemez Springs | Oct 13, 2010 5:27:24 PM

Susana La Tejana has no conscience. She is a very bad role model for Women, Hispanics and New Mexicans of all ethnic backgrounds. This is the person claiming she supports good ethics? Right.

Posted by: Sean | Oct 13, 2010 5:46:09 PM

Susana La Tejana wants to link Denish to Pay to Play through Richardson. Come on Tejana, you haven't even waited until you are elected to begin your Pay to Play.

Posted by: NMGladiator | Oct 13, 2010 9:17:38 PM

As a prosecuting attorney Susana knows full well that rape is not a pleasurable act. It is an act of violence and against the law. in my opinion, I think every woman in New Mexico of every ethnicity should vote NO on Susana. As a woman, not only is she bad for politics but extremely bad for women and our issues. Diane Denish has always supported women's issues and will continue to do so when elected Governor. I know for a fact that Susana thinks the rape of a 5 month old baby is different than the rape of a 5 year old child. If you think she is confused about Bill Richardson. We need to make sure that she real clear on what rape is and its effect on the whole family.

Posted by: Stephanie DuBois | Oct 14, 2010 11:23:20 AM

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