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Monday, October 25, 2010

We Are New Mexico Releases Powerful Video on Dangers Posed by Susana Martinez to NM Water

See larger version or YouTube video

In this new three-minute video released by the Northern New Mexico political group, We Are New Mexico, five New Mexico women discuss GOP governor candidate Susana Martinez and the dangers she and her backers pose to our state's water supplies. The video ends with this question:

Do we really want to put
New Mexico's water policy
in the hands of a
POLITICIAN controlled by

The report mentioned at end of video will be online late tonight or tomorrow at https://wearenm.com/. Watch the video, carefully read the report and think about your vote in New Mexico's governor race and what it will mean to our future. We Are New Mexico is dedicated to bringing "your urgent attention to dangerous and extremist forces from out of state that are funding and directing Republican Susana Martinez’s campaign for Governor." Take heed. Pass it on.

To see more DFNM posts about Susana Martinez, visit our archive.

October 25, 2010 at 05:50 PM in 2010 NM Governor's Race, Political Ads, Right Wing, Susana Martinez, Water Issues | Permalink


It says something about conventional wisdom in the political debate arena that ads like this, done by filmmakers as opposed to advertising consultants, are not funded for significant air play.

This actually get to the heart of an important issue. I wonder if it will ever get seen on TV.

Posted by: Stuart Heady | Oct 26, 2010 10:35:11 AM

You guys are finally starting to get it. Especially you folks who do not have a history in this state, PLEASE. It is not racist to call out Texan exploitation of this state. Texas has been in a legal water war with NM for over a hundred years. Democrats should have been saying this all along but there is a culture of all's fair in the name of greed and public ownership is the same as socialism. When NM is washing it's butt in a bucket, then we will forget the days when we could immerse our legs in water like the Blacks in South Africa.
Susanna will build prisons and make NM an authoritarian state persecuting the ordinary working people while the real criminals will loot this state with impunity.

Posted by: qofdisks | Oct 26, 2010 12:23:46 PM

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