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Monday, October 11, 2010

RSVP by 10/13 for Common Cause NM's 40th Anniversary Luncheon on 10/16

From Common Cause New Mexico:
Common Cause will celebrate its 40th anniversary at a luncheon on Saturday, October 16, from Noon to 2:00 PM at the UNM Continuing Education Building located at 1634 University Blvd. NE in Albuquerque (map). Please by Wednesday, October 13; $20 includes a catered lunch, and all proceeds support the group's work in New Mexico.

CCNM invites all New Mexicans with an interest in this work to attend the party. The keynote speaker will be UNM election specialist Prof. Lonna Atkeson, who will be honored with CCNM’s Jack Taylor Award for her outstanding research expanding our understanding of the process and public perception of elections in New Mexico.

This year's celebration will honor four decades in the fight to make government more open and accountable to ordinary citizens. CCNM has led numerous successful efforts to pass campaign finance reforms, including campaign contribution limits and public campaign financing at the state and municipal level; to pass open government reforms, such as requiring webcasting and open conference committees at the state legislature; and to monitor elections, in particular in relation to CCNM’s nonpartisan voter protection program, Count Every Vote New Mexico.

“Countless CCNM volunteers and staff have dedicated large chunks of their lives to positively transforming the way government functions in New Mexico,” said Steven Robert Allen, executive director of CCNM. “We want to honor these folks, and also plan for the future, since as we all know, there’s plenty of work left to be done.”

October 11, 2010 at 09:50 AM in Election Reform & Voting, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Events | Permalink


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