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Monday, October 25, 2010

NM Guv Race Polling: Voters Moving Away From Martinez, Race Now Even!

Big turnout for Denish at Laguna Pueblo this morning

This is almost entirely a turnout contest now -- it is ESSENTIAL that we all and then volunteer for the Denish campaign as much as possible before November 2nd, and also on election day itself to get out the vote! See below for ways to get involved.

A poll of likely voters in the New Mexico governor race conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner from October 20-24 shows that voters have shifted away from Susana Martinez and the race is now essentially tied -- with Diane Denish at 45% and Susana Martinez at 46%. The survey of 603 likely voters has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points, so this is definitely anyone's race going into the home stretch. 

The polling memo shows the gap has closed and Democrats are consolidating behind Denish, with overall Democratic support at 84-11 and support among Hispanic Democrats at 83-11. Denish has moved from 5 points back earlier on to 3 points to just 1 point in the latest polling -- showing momentum for Denish as we head into the last days the campaign.

Oren Shur of the Denish campaign believes the race has tightened for several reasons, and I certainly concur:

This field effort was bolstered by President Clinton’s visit two weeks ago, which helped energize the base. Denish has been considerably more visible these past few weeks than Martinez -- holding more than 25 Early Vote rallies, with many more to come in the closing days.

The gap has closed in this race and as Election Day approaches, we believe more New Mexicans will view Martinez as a typical Republican politician who will side with the big corporations, not their families.

Over the last two weeks, Susana Martinez has essentially been hiding out except for private events and the last debate. Why? The more voters see and hear her in action, the more they learn about her empty promises, lack of solid proposals and subservience to moneyed interests. Now we have to help Diane seal the deal!

GET INVOLVED NOW: Click for a list of Denish office locations and phone numbers.

Phonebanks are going every-night from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. from Sundays to Thursdays and anytime during the day seven days a week. Door knockers are needed all day long through Election Day. Get involved now! This race could come down to a very small margin and WE can make the difference!

October 25, 2010 at 01:36 PM in 2010 NM Governor's Race, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, Polling, Susana Martinez | Permalink


Turnout! Turnout! Turnout!

Posted by: Stephen Jones | Oct 25, 2010 1:41:33 PM

I have been calling and canvassing and this rings true. More and more voters are getting it on Martinez. She sounded good at first but as time goes by people are learning the truth. Keep working for the Democratic ticket!

Posted by: Door Knocker | Oct 25, 2010 3:41:32 PM

Do you reject Susana?
I do
And all her works?
I do
And all her empty promises?
I do

Go then, and vote for Democrats!
Vote Early!
Volunteer this week and weekend to Get Out The Vote!

The weather sucked this evening and I still had 20-odd high quality voter contacts. If Democrats volunteer, more Democrats vote. If more Democrats vote, more Democrats win. Do whatever you can to get more Democrats to vote. If enough of us do, we win. It really is that simple.

I texted most of my phone book (local friends who think like me) to remind them to vote early this morning. I'm using my facebook page as a personal GOTV operation. It's not too late; let's get on it, people!

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Oct 25, 2010 7:52:28 PM

Yes I think the Democratic Party needs to support Diane Denish, but I also think She needs to appeal to Republicans that don't want a Sarah Palin wannabe as Governor. I know there is at least one - me. I think republicans like myself would vote for Diane Denish. She is qualified and REASONABLE. She has my support.

Posted by: Andrew | Oct 25, 2010 8:10:41 PM

Andrew, Denish has always worked across the aisle and she is a very pragmatic person who listens to all sides. For instance she worked with Republican legislator Sander Rue to pass the Sunshine Portal. She is no ideologue and I'm sure she would welcome your support. I know I do!

Posted by: barb | Oct 25, 2010 10:01:06 PM

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