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Sunday, October 31, 2010
NM Democrats Beating Republicans in Early Voting by 8000+ Votes
If you read or listen to the spinners of the pro-right-wing consortium that consists of the Albuquerque Journal-Brian Sanderoff-Joe Monahan-KKOB radio-Jim Villanucci-KOAT-TV (oh hell, lump in the rest of the TV "news" outfits) and others, you know that it's been proclaimed from on high, er low, that this election is a done deal. It's over even before election day has arrived. Right-Winger Message to Democrats: Don't even bother to vote on Tuesday.
It's a civic-minded bunch, isn't it? Having failed to do their duty in exposing the outright lies in so many GOP campaign ads, fully reporting the huge money flow to right-wing candidates, attending Dem candidate press conferences, asking why Susana Martinez refuses to be interviewed in the last weeks before the election or providing what used to be known as fair journalistic oversight of the campaigns, this bunch now appears to be on a coordinated campaign to hold down the turnout of Democrats.
We've all heard ad nauseum about the so-called "enthusiasm gap" of Democrats, and witnessed the dedicating slant feeding that myth and trying to make it a reality. Today there was even a headline on a Journal article by the always obedient "reporter" Sean Olson blaring that "Voters Face Long Ballot on Tuesday," even though the article itself only touches on that at the end. Hey potential voters -- don't bother because even the ballot, you know, is a bummer.
Dems Lead in Early Voting
I could go on down the twisting and turning path of collusion and slant provided by the main media machine in New Mexico, but let's just focus on one aspect of the spin for now: early voting turnout.
Here are the facts:
- 8,000 more Democrats than Republicans have voted early, according to the most recent data provided by the Secretary of State. This data does not include Early Voting that took place on Saturday, traditionally the busiest Early Voting day of the cycle, which is expected to increase the Democrats’ early vote margin considerably.
- Democrats also have a lead among “infrequent voters” -- those who typically don’t vote in non-presidential year elections -- a group that most experts consider a key turn-out target in order to win in 2010.
- Early vote and absentee data from New Mexico show that Democrats in the state are outperforming Democrats in other states with competitive Governor races, such as Florida and Colorado. [Denver Post, 10/30/10; Palm Beach Post, 10/29/10]
- And internal polling from just a week ago showed a much closer governor race -- 45-46 -- among likely voters. The internal polling in other campaigns also shows tight races, not romps.
As Denish campaign manager Chris Cervini explains:
Actual votes matter a lot more than polls, and there’s a reason that more Democrats than Republicans have already cast their ballots in this race. Democrats have a candidate who is a fighter for our families, while the Republicans are stuck with a nominee who sides with the powerful interests every time. Tuesday is the only poll that matters and we remain confident New Mexicans will vote for the candidate whose focus is on creating jobs, protecting public education, taking on predatory lenders, and making sure the wealthy out-of-state corporations pay their fair share. That’s Diane Denish.
DPNM Chairman Javier Gonzales adds:
Polls will go up and down, but at the end of the day, the only numbers that matter are at the ballot box -- and that’s where Democrats hold an unquestionable advantage going into Election Day. Democrats are energized, excited and getting to the polls in big numbers to support Diane Denish and their other Democratic candidates across New Mexico. That’s exactly what we expect to see on Election Day, which is the only poll that truly matters.
The Democratic message to Democratic voters? Keep on keepin' on! If you didn't vote early, be sure to vote on November 2nd between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM (find your polling place here). If you still have an absentee ballot, complete and hand deliver it to your county clerk or to your precinct by 7:00 PM on November 2nd.
Volunteer for Get Out the Vote (GOTV) efforts with Dem candidates, the party and OFA today through the end of election day on Tuesday, when the polls close at 7:00 PM. Urge your friends, neighbors and family members to vote and vote straight ticket Democrat.
October 31, 2010 at 12:44 PM in 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Governor's Race, Diane Denish, Media, Polling, Right Wing | Permalink | Comments (15)
Right Wing Horror Show: Susana Martinez, Steve Pearce, Jon Barela, Tom Mullins AND Karl Rove
See greedy, anti-working family monsters Steve Pearce, Jon Barela, Susana Martinez, Tom Mullins and Karl Rove mash it up as only teabaggers can. Kinky little buggers. Don't let them trick er treat at your house -- they have only monstrous tricks (and lies) up their sleeves ...
October 31, 2010 at 03:02 AM in 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Governor's Race, Jon Barela, NM-01 Congressional Race 2010, NM-02 Congressional Race 2010, NM-03 Congressional Race 2010, Republican Party, Steve Pearce, Susana Martinez, Tom Mullins | Permalink | Comments (1)
Photos and Videos: Labor 2010 GOTV Rally in Albuquerque
Click for photo album
Check out photos (above) and video clips (below) of some of the speeches from Saturday's high-energy Labor 2010 GOTV BBQ and Rally in Albuquerque. Besides lots of hard-working labor folks and other Dems, candidates from up and down the ticket attended to thank folks for all their hard work on the campaigns. These strong supporters of working families and economic justice urged everyone to keep on working from now right through Tuesday, when the polls close at 7:00 PM.
Senator Jeff Bingaman, Senator Tom Udall, governor candidate Diane Denish, lieutenant governor candidate Brian Colón, Rep. Martin Heinrich, State Auditor Hector Balderas, State Treasurer James L. Lewis, Secretary of State Mary Herrera, land commissioner candidate Ray Powell, Rep. Moe Maestas, Rep. Al Park, Rep. Eleanor Chavez, Rep. Ben Rodefer, Rep. Karen Giannini, Rep. Jack Thomas, New Mexico House candidate Alex Russell, City Councilor Ike Benton, Bernalillo County Sheriff Manny Gonzales, Appeals Court Judge Robert Robles and Metro Court Judge Christina Argyres were all on hand to share one main message:
If Democrats vote, Democrats win!
Also in attendance was Republican and former Governor Dave Cargo -- who has strongly endorsed the Diane Denish - Brian Colón ticket. As Cargo has said, the Republican Party of today isn't his Republican Party. And he's backing Democrat Denish over extreme right-wing Republican Susana Martinez. Good decision!
Regardless of what the pundits or the polls may say, the only real poll is on Election Day, when voter turnout is what matters. Democrats outnumber Republicans in the state by a healthy margin and if our voters turn out in good numbers, we will win -- no doubt about it. So get your body down to a campaign office, the Dem Party or OFA tomorrow, Monday and all day on Election Day if possible. There's so much at stake and unity and action are the keys to victory! Yes, we can! Si, se puede!
All photos and videos by M.E. Broderick.
October 31, 2010 at 12:17 AM in 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Governor's Race, 2010 NM Legislature Races, Brian Colon, Diane Denish | |
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Guest Blog: Early Vote Today for Rep. Ben Ray Luján and Help Us GOTV!
Ben Ray at Pojoaque Boys and Girls Club Halloween Carnival
This is a guest blog by Aaron Trujillo, who serves as Rep. Ben Ray Luján's campaign manager.
TODAY is the last day to vote early in New Mexico, and we need everyone to get out to the polls and make sure that their voice is heard in this election.
This election is too important to wait until the last minute to go to the polls. This election is crucial for anyone who cares about health care, about having clean air and water, about making sure that our kids have great schools and a chance to go to college. We have to get out and make our voices heard.
Find out your early voting location here.
Ben Ray has been standing up for people in New Mexico and has been traveling all over the district to talk to voters. Recently he visited Farmington, Chama, Espanola, Gallup, Taos, Tierra Amarilla, Santa Fe, Las Vegas, Mora, Wagon Mound, Raton, Springer and several other communities.
Ben Ray will be working non-stop over the next few days to reach out to voters and will keep doing so over the next three days. I hope that you will join our campaign in reaching out to your family, friends and neighbors to get them to vote in this important election.
We need every one, in every community, to bring their friends, families, and neighbors to the polls. Every person deserves to have their voice heard, and a chance to shape our democracy.
After you've voted, come out and with the campaign, or donate. Thanks for all your hard work, let's keep the momentum going!
October 30, 2010 at 11:49 AM in 2010 General Election, NM-03 Congressional Race 2010, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (NM-03) | |
Friday, October 29, 2010
Save the West Side: GOP House Candidate David Doyle Caught Telling Blatant Lies in Race Against Rep. Ben Rodefer
It's well known that the GOP and its cronies have targeted regaining the New Mexico House seat in District 23 in Corrales as one of their top priorities this election cycle. Democrat Ben Rodefer (right) won the seat in a close election two years ago, and this year he's embroiled in another nail biter. It's really important that we help Ben keep his seat -- he's a champion on jobs, the environment and working families. His opponent? He's apparently the champion of big oil and other large corporate interests.
Doyle's Big Energy and Corporate Support
Right-wing opposition has been pouring in money and bussing in canvassers to help Republican David Doyle win the seat. Doyle, a wealthy developer, has received campaign cash from numerous moneyed corporate real estate and development interests, as well as energy giants like BP, Exxon and Conoco Phillips. No, I'm not kidding. Is this the kind of money we want coming into legislative races in New Mexico? Click to see Doyle's campaign reports; a partial list of corporate contributors is below.
Clearly, certain deep pocket donors don't want Rep. Rodefer in the legislature because he has consistently voted to protect the environment and improve the lot of New Mexico's working families. Ben was pivotal in the fight against the Sun-Cal TIDDs and the battle for green job initiatives, just for starters. And now we learn that Rodefer's challenger is running a dishonest, deceptive campaign.
Doyle's Lies
According to documents provided at SaveTheWestside.com, David Doyle has been lying about his background and making other false claims in a down and dirty campaign against Rep. Rodefer. For instance, the site shows that -- contrary to Doyle's claims -- he and his firm, Enterprise Builders, have been the recipients of government contracts. Doyle says he's always paid his taxes, but a settlement document from the US Treasury/IRS shows Doyle's long history of trying to evade paying his taxes, and reportedly there are additional documents on file with the Sandoval County Clerk showing Doyle not paying his property taxes when due.
Although Doyle claims he never paid any fines for pollution, the site shows two examples of "the multiple signed documents proving David Doyle is once again lying to us, that he has indeed been fined for polluting and has had to submit certified checks to pay those penalties." Doyle also contends his company received no stimulus funding, but it got a contract for an Alzheimer's care center financed with recovery funds.
The site also claims that "David Doyle further lied to the Albuquerque Journal about his criminal record (ABQ Journal 9-24-2010), claiming he had none. Indeed he has plead guilty to Contempt and other charges, and his campaign has committed multiple Felonies this year per New Mexico Statute §1-19-16 (Campaign Act)." A copy of a document on the Contempt charge is included on SaveTheWestside.com.
Doyle's campaign has also been claiming that Rep. Rodefer is rated "the biggest job killer in state." Nothing could be further from the truth, as the site explains:
An outright LIE. State Representative Benjamin Rodefer has actually created new jobs and saved taxpayers millions. Rodefer championed the 2009 Green Jobs Bill, fought for more funding for JTIP, a program that allows small businesses to receive rebates for money spent training employees for high paying jobs, and Rodefer supported the legislation that helped bring Hewlett Packard to our community with many good new jobs.
Since being elected in 2008 Rodefer has also helped slash the state budget by over $800 Million and voted against the Food Tax, the Tortilla Tax and a proposed increase to the Gross Receipts Tax.
Who stands with Rep. Rodefer and against David Doyle?
- Albuquerque Police Officers Association
- Albuquerque Firefighters
- Albuquerque Teachers Federation
- US Senator Jeff Bingaman
- US Senator Tom Udall
- Sierra Club
- Conservation Voters
- Animal Protection Voters
- Albuquerque Fraternal Order of Police
- NM Building & Construction Trades Council
Just some of Republican David Doyle's campaign contributors:
Exxon Mobil Corporation - PO Box 2519, Houston TX 77252-2519 Oil and gas corporation $500.00
Western Refining - 123 W. Mills Ave. , El Paso TX 79901 Independent Oil Refiner $500.00
Freeport-McMoran New Mexico Political Action Committee - 333 N. Central Ave., Phoenix AZ 85004 Copper and Gold producer $300.00
Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. - One Merck Drive, Whitehouse Station NJ 08889-3400 Pharmaceutical Company $500.00
Consumer Lending Alliance, Inc. - 92 Royster Drive, Crawfordville FL 32327-4625 Lending Alliance $500.00
Chevron Policy Govt & Publ Affairs - PO Box 9034, Concord CA 94524 Integrated Energy Company $1,500.00
DCP Midstream, LP - 370 17th Street, Suite 2500, Denver CO 80202 Natural Gas gatherer and producer $300.00
Mack Energy Corporation - PO Box 960 , Artesia NM 88211-0960 Energy Corporation $750.00
Mickey Barnett - 1616 Soplo Rd. SE, Albuquerque NM 87123 $100.00
BP North American Employee PAC - 501 Westlake Park Blvd, Houston TX 77079 Oil and Gas Company $1,000.00
ConocoPhillips Company - 1122 Colorado St., Ste 2323, Austin TX 78701 International Energy Corporation $1,000.00
The Williams Companies, Inc. - PO Box 21218, Tulsa OK 74121-1218 Natural Gas Production $500.0
Devon Energy Production Company, L.P. - 20 N. Broadway, Oklahoma City OK 73102-8260 Oil and Natural Gas Production $1,000.00
Yates Petroleum Corporation - 105 South 4th Street, Artesia NM 88210 Petroleum Company $250.00
Helena Chemical Company - 225 Schilling Blvd. Suite 300, Collierville TN 38017 Chemical Company $300.00
ConocoPhillips Company - 1122 Colorado Street, Austin TX 78701 Oil abd Gas $500.00
What Can We Do?
There's still time to canvass or call for Rep. Rodefer. Call Volunteer Coordinator Juan Reynosa at 505-907-3788. Or, make a donation online right now.
October 29, 2010 at 04:59 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Children and Families, Energy, Environment | |
Mary Herrera's Secretary of State Offices Gets 'Clean Audit' for FY 2010
The annual audit conducted by a top New Mexico accounting firm has returned no findings for the New Mexico Secretary of State’s Office, according to a report released yesterday by the firm Atkinson & Co., Ltd. According to the Secretary of State's office, the firm gave the office a clean audit and no findings of significant deficiencies.
The firm returned an “unqualified” opinion, meaning that in the auditor’s professional opinion, the financial statements passed muster without any “qualifications,” according to the report.
An audit also looks at internal controls. In examining internal controls over financial reporting, auditors will seek to ensure the agency has established effective procedures to reduce the chances of errors or fraud. The current Secretary of State audit found “no findings” of control deficiencies.
“When you have good solid management principles and put them into practice with competent people, you end up with a clean audit,” said Secretary of State Mary Herrera in a statement. “The staff of the Secretary of State’s Office deserve a great deal of credit for such an excellent result.”
The Secretary of State’s Office has sought to reduce the number of audit findings inherited from the prior administration. In 2007, 20 findings pertaining to the former administration were identified. Over the last four years, the Secretary of State’s Office reduced the number each year until the audit just completed for Fiscal Year 2010 found none.
“We have produced great election results in the past three elections,” said Herrera. “This audit shows that our operation is well-run, as is demonstrated in the effective elections process since 2007.”
The audit, released yesterday, shows no current year findings, no material weaknesses identified, no significant deficiencies identified, and no noncompliance noted, according to the report.
October 29, 2010 at 02:07 PM in 2010 NM Secretary of State Race, Election Reform & Voting | |
President Obama Records Early-Vote Robo-Call for Diane Denish
Young Navajo Nation supporters of Denish at event yesterday
Telling New Mexico voters to “support and vote early,” President Obama recorded a robo call for Denish that will go out to voters this afternoon. Click for an mp3 of the call.
“Two years ago you stood with me to vote and move our country in a new direction. Now, I’m asking you to stand with me again and pledge your support for Diane Denish for Governor by voting early,” President Obama says on the call. “I hope you’ll join me and support Diane Denish for Governor by voting early. Thank you.”
The call is going out to nearly 150,000 infrequent Democratic voters and new Democratic voters from 2008.
To see our previous posts on the 2010 governor race, visit our archive.
October 29, 2010 at 01:36 PM in 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Governor's Race, Diane Denish, Obama Administration | |
Today and Saturday: Last Chance to Vote Early in 2010 Election!
Early voting in the 2010 general election will end at the close of business (times vary) tomorrow, Saturday, October 30. Find the hours and sites for early voting in your area by clicking here.
Visit the elections section of the website of the New Mexico Secretary of State for more information on elections and voting, as well as contact info for your county clerk's office. You can also obtain a sample ballot for your precinct. Click for information and pro and con arguments on bond issues and constitutional amendments that appear on the ballot.
The nonpartisan League of Women Voters of New Mexico provides links of lots of helpful information about voting and the election, including Voters' Guides that discuss statewide candidates, constitutional amendments and bond issues.
By voting early you can avoid election day lines and also give yourself time to volunteer for Dem Get Out The Vote efforts on election day, November 2nd. Please contact any candidate's campaign office (see below), the Democratic Party of New Mexico, your County Dem Party or OFA New Mexico (call Pam at 715-0787) for information on how you can get involved in GOTV efforts now through election day!
Contact Info for Major Candidate Campaign Offices
Rep. Martin Heinrich for Congress NM-01
Rep. Harry Teague for Congress NM-02
Rep. Ben Ray Lujan for Congress NM-03
October 29, 2010 at 01:08 PM in 2010 General Election, Democratic Party, Election Reform & Voting | |
Thursday, October 28, 2010
NM-03: Top Six Reasons Republican Tom Mullins is Crazy
By now, everyone has noticed that Tom Mullins, the right-wing Republican who's challenging Democratic Congressman Ben Ray Luján in New Mexico's Third Congressional District, holds positions that are more than a little out of the ordinary. Now, one of Rep. Luján's supporters has put together a document that demonstrates just how off the scales Mullins' positions are. For your enjoyment, here are the top six reasons Mullins isn’t just dangerous and wrong -- but is actually crazy.
6. Landmines on the border
In case you hadn’t heard, Tom Mullins went on the radio and rambled on about his proposal. Our favorite part -- after being named the second "Worst Person in the World" on MSNBC, he backpeddled saying landmines weren’t his idea. They were someone else’s idea. Some nameless person. Someone named Som Smullins?
5. Frenemy of Native Americans?
Tom Mullins, friend of all the Native Americans, gives three ways for you to connect with your Native American neighbors:
a. Travel to Kewa Pueblo and bemoan the lack of "white faces".
b. Question sovereignty by saying that tribes speak out of two sides of their mouths.
c. Build a time machine to settle a Native American court case after it has been settled with help from your opponent. (See the clip here; starting at 1:45, you can see his Cobell discussion.)
4. Calls Family Farms socialist
Mullins’ Halloween costume: a socialist family farmer. They sneak into your community in the dead of night to practice socialist activities like working the land and paying their taxes!!! You can try to ward them off with garlic, but that doesn’t work -- because they’d just plant it!!! Spoooky.
As the Clovis News Journal reported, the folks don’t seem to be heeding Mullins’ warning. The paper reports they "groaned" as he warned of the impending socialist family farms.
3. Leave New Mexico if you can’t find a job
Tom Mullins has a brilliant plan to rebuild our hard-hit rural communities: move. That’s right -- if you live in Rio Arriba, Tom’s recommendation to strengthen your area is to get outta there. Check out this clip starting at 9:59. He doesn’t understand that New Mexicans hold their land, cultures, and traditions deep in their hearts -- especially in places like Rio Arriba County.
2. Social Security: Ponzi Scheme, Socialist, or a Socialist Ponzi Scheme?
Pop quiz! Is Social Security: a. a Ponzi scheme, b. socialism, or c. a form of socialism.
Answer -- all of the above! In this quiz, everyone wins! And by "wins," I mean "loses." Social Security is one of the greatest achievements of the 20th Century, and Mullins has called it socialism, a Ponzi scheme, a form of socialism, and says we need to privatize it. Check out this clip starting at 1:51.
1. Wants to eliminate federal education funding
Who doesn’t love the Constitution? While we all agree that our founding fathers were visionaries -- I gotta be honest, I don’t actually want to live in 1787. And that’s where Tom and I part ways.
Tom wants to give extra tax cuts to the richest in America, while eliminating all federal funding for students’ educations like Pell Grants. Why eliminate all this support? Because the Constitution -- originally written when 18% of the population was enslaved and couldn’t read or go to school -- didn’t prescribe for education directly.
No, in this clip he makes it very clear that you’ll have to make do while billionaires name their yachts Sir Worthington Yorkshire III and sail away to better places ... places where the people can read.
October 28, 2010 at 06:27 PM in NM-03 Congressional Race 2010, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (NM-03), Right Wing | |
Fright Fest: Susana Martinez Hiding Out From Newspapers, TV Reporters, Business Leaders
We all know Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's famous line, "The only thing we have to fear is, fear itself." Susana Martinez, the GOP candidate for New Mexico governor, apparently lives by a slightly different motto: "The only thing I have to fear is, transparency itself." What is she hiding?
Although Martinez likes to describe herself as a champion of open and transparent government, her recent actions tell another story. In the run-up to election day, Martinez has been sticking to scripted events -- or none at all -- and has been avoiding encounters with the press and others like she'll catch the plague if she has to answer any question about her positions. It's been a regular right-wing fright fest on the part of Susana -- or maybe she just has a thing about Halloween.
First off, over the past few weeks, Martinez has refused to take part in newspaper editorial board interviews with both the Weekly Alibi and Santa Fe Reporter.
After Susana blew them off, the Santa Fe Reporter said, “Susana Martinez is the first gubernatorial candidate in this newspaper’s history who declined to come in for an endorsement interview. So even if her ideas trounced Denish’s, we’d be hard-pressed to endorse her. Why? Because the strongest tools against corruption, waste and bad policy are transparency and accessibility. Denish has a strong track record in these areas.” The Reporter endorsed Denish.
After Susana dodged them, the Weekly Alibi wrote, “Susana Martinez was unable to come in for an endorsement interview, because, her people said, she was too busy. We called every day for weeks. She is the only candidate who couldn’t participate in the Alibi’s Election Guide. ... Answering a few of our questions would allow Martinez to communicate her ideas with our 165,200 readers. A candidate who doesn’t make time to help voters understand her platform simply has no business in politics.” The Alibi endorsed Denish.
The Denish Campaign also recently learned that Martinez ignored repeated attempts by public-broadcasting news organizations to interview her. These include KNME and Report from Santa Fe. And just today, the campaign got word that Martinez skipped out on a scheduled meeting this morning with the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce -- sending lieutenant governor candidate John Sanchez instead.
“Apparently Susana Martinez and her handlers don’t have anything to say about the important issues facing New Mexico families,” said Denish spokesman Chris Cervini. “New Mexicans should start to wonder what Martinez will do if elected. It is clear her sound bites and platitudes are masking an agenda that’s dangerous for New Mexico’s families, including siding with powerful corporations at the expense of New Mexicans.”
October 28, 2010 at 01:19 PM in 2010 NM Governor's Race, Diane Denish, Media, Susana Martinez | Permalink | Comments (8)
Acclaimed NM Poet and Youth Leader Jimmy Santiago Baca Cuts Radio Ad Supporting Diane Denish
Renowned poet Jimmy Santiago Baca recently cut a radio spot for for broadcast around the state. In the ad, Baca -- who also does a lot of youth outreach and literacy work -- talks about his family's long history in the state, of growing up in a small village here and of being the first in his family to be educated. Click to listen to the ad (mp3). Excerpt:
Education is key. And every step of the way Diane Denish has been there, in person, in spirit, and in support ... I can think of noone better to serve as our governor than Democrat Diane Denish, helping thousands of our kids to start reading young. She's proven over 30 years that she walks the talk. A vote for Diane is a vote for your children's future, my kids future, ours altogether.
October 28, 2010 at 12:02 PM in 2010 NM Governor's Race, Children and Families, Diane Denish, Education, Political Ads | |
Congressman Harry Teague Rallies Student Support at NMSU
NMSU students, Teague and student reporter
Contributing writer Stephen Jones checks in with more on-the-ground coverage from Southern New Mexico.
Congressman Harry Teague rallied student support outside the Corbett Student Center at New Mexico State University on Wednesday prior to the KRWG-TV debate between Teague and his Republican challenger Steve Pearce.
“It’s important that we put Democrats back into public office,” Teague told the students who came out to meet the candidate prior to the debate. Teague outlined his Congressional record on obtaining funding to support college and university students, and his backing for education funding targeted at returning veterans. “We’ve gotten more money for higher education in this Congress than at any time since the Montgomery GI Bill in the 1950’s,” Teague said.
“You’re going to hear from our opponent tonight that he thinks we’re putting too much money into education," Teague continued. "We think it’s important for our future that everyone who wants an education has an opportunity to go to college.” Teague did not limit his remarks to college students. “You’re also going to hear us debate tonight, not only about college education, but the importance of public education,” Teague said. “I want everyone to have a chance to get here, no matter where you’re from.”
Teague touched on a range of issues for the students, including immigration issues and the economy. “It’s very important that we don’t step back to the sort of de-regulation that got us into the mess we’re in today,” Teague said. “It’s very important that we don’t go back to the way things were, the ways which are making it so tough for so many of you to get to school, and for you and your parents to keep you here in school.”
Teague, Brian Colón, Andy Segovia; Joel Cano and Teague
“We need to keep enough Democrats in Congress to keep even tougher times from happening,” Teague said. “It looks to me like Wall Street is gearing up to run all over Main Street, and pick our pockets again. Please go vote,” Teague told the students. “It’s not just important to keep Congress. It’s going to take all of us, from the Magistrate Judge to the Governor here in New Mexico.”
Teague was joined at the NMSU event by , Democratic Candidate for Lt. Governor, Andy Segovia, Democratic candidate for Doña Ana County Assessor, and Jose “Joel” Cano, candidate for Magistrate Judge.
Aggie Brian Colón, NMSU students
“I have been all over southern New Mexico today,” said Colón, “I’ve knocked on doors all over this county, talking about how important it is to re-elect Congressman Teague and to elect Diane Denish our next Governor,” he said. “Let me tell you that there are some stark differences between us and our opponents."
"We believe that we need to continue to invest in education, because an investment in education is an investment in economic development in our state of New Mexico, Colón continued. "We have to maintain our investment, whether it is early childhood development, or post-secondary education, and to put money into first-class research and development institutions like New Mexico State University,” Colón said, adding, “and I’m proud to say there is only one ‘Aggie’ in this race for Lt. Governor, and that’s Brian Colón.”
Segovia and Cano outlined the functions of their offices and pointed out the importance of NMSU students turning out to elect Democratic candidates in less visible “down-ballot” elections, such as themselves. Segovia told the students that he would continue to count on interns from the University if elected in November. Cano told the students, “One thing you need to consider is that if any of you, or those you know should ever be involved in some sort of infractions, you will be sent to the Magistrate Court. You want somebody who is fair and knowledgeable in the office. I urge you all to get out and vote.”
Photos by Stephen Jones. Click on photos for larger versions. To see more posts by Stephen, visit our archive.
October 28, 2010 at 12:29 AM in 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Governor's Race, 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Brian Colon, By Stephen Jones, Contributing Writer, Las Cruces, NM-02 Congressional Race 2010, Rep. Harry Teague (NM-02) | Permalink | Comments (0)