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Sunday, October 03, 2010

Dueling Polls in NM Governor Race Show Dead Heat or Denish 6 Points Back

Denish was at Chile Cookoff and Grand Opening of her San Juan County office, and the Shiprock Parade this weekend

As you've probably seen by now, the latest Albuquerque Journal poll on the New Mexico governor's race has Republican Susana Martinez ahead with support from 47% of those surveyed to 41% for Democrat . However, a hefty 12% were still undecided about which candidate to support if the election were held at the time of the September 27-30 poll, which has a margin of error of ± 3.0%. A total of 941 registered, likely voters across New Mexico were contacted in telephone interviews.

Brian Sanderoff, who conducted the Journal poll, said the race basically comes down to turnout: "Midterm elections, such as this year's, historically have lower turnouts than presidential elections and that means Denish could lose some support from Democratic voters, who outnumber Republicans and independents in New Mexico, if they don't turn out."  

But wait, the results of for the Denish campaign -- conducted during the same time period as the Journal poll-- has the race in a dead heat for the second week in a row, with Martinez at 46% and Denish at 45%, with 8% undecided. Third Eye surveyed 600 New Mexicans who voted in 2008 or registered since then. Their phone survey was conducted from Tuesday, September 28th, through Thursday, September 30th, and has a margin of error of ± 4.0%. According to the polling memo:

While Martinez continues to dominate with registered Republicans (92%), she garners support from just 10% of registered Democrats and 28% of Hispanics. DTS voters are split – 36% for Martinez, 32% for Denish – with 31% undecided. Also, while Martinez leads in the southern part of the state 53% to 41%, Denish leads in the northern counties by a 51%-39% margin. Voters in the central part of the state split evenly (46% Martinez, 45% Denish).

... At this point in the race, Diane Denish has garnered a level of support from Democrats that will keep this race competitive to the end. In the absence of an overwhelming turnout by registered Republicans, this race will come down to late deciding Independent voters who are currently in play for both sides.

An email to Denish supporters today from Ted F. Martinez, who chairs the campaign, had this to say, in part:

There's a lot of campaigning to go ... but to get it done we must out-work our opponent each and every day from now until November 2. [emphasis added]

... So what does all this mean? It means there is a volatile electorate and opinions are shifting on a daily basis. [emphasis added]

Big crowds in McKinley County this weekend for Denish

What's not shifting is Diane Denish and Brian Colón's commitment to New Mexico families.

They know times are tough and they are the only ones talking about what matters to New Mexicans - jobs, protecting public schools and fighting against economic predators like payday lenders and insurance companies who would seek to jack up rates during this difficult economy.

Susana Martinez? Well, she's offering the same old failed Republican policies that got us into this mess - no accountability for powerful interests, roll-backs of basic protections of our air and water, and a scheme to drain public dollars from classrooms and ship them to wealthy private schools.

So, while the polls continue to be all over the place, Diane Denish's commitment to New Mexicans will not waver.

And that's what matters in this election.

To win, we're going to need you to get involved. Our campaign is going to need thousands of Election Day volunteers -- so to see a list of offices. Call the office nearest you to make the pledge to take Election Day off and work to get Diane and Brian over the top.

Bottom line: We can win this race IF we all pull together and work to get Democrats out to vote for the Democratic ticket. As the email above says, , November 2nd. And in the meantime, contact any of to sign up to volunteer to phone bank, canvass door to door, do data entry or another of the myriad of tasks that can make or break a campaign.

We have fewer than 30 days until election day. If you don't want to see New Mexico ruined at the hands of the bought-off Susana La Tejana, now is the time to put up or shut up.

October 3, 2010 at 02:29 PM in 2010 NM Governor's Race, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, Polling, Susana Martinez | Permalink


Do you actually believe what you write?

Denish is down anywhere from 8 to 12 points and has never been above 43% in a reputable poll (Third Eye Blind is not a reputable poll). That means as an incumbent it is just about impossible for her to win.

Brian Sanderoff all but pronounced her dead this morning.

Posted by: Come On | Oct 3, 2010 3:00:09 PM

No he didn't. He said what this post said. It all comes down to turnout.

You can spin all you want but Martinez is at her ceiling with almost all the R votes. As we go into the last weeks the Dems will come home and the independents will either not show up or see the light.

Wait until the state gets a load of mean, nasty stupid Martinez on TV debates! Bill Clinton up north will seal the deal. Martinez is over with. Count on it.

Posted by: Martinez Has Topped Out | Oct 3, 2010 3:21:53 PM

Real funny guy this Come On. He thinks the Journal poll is reputable when they refuse to release their cross tabs or the complete poll so people can't even see how they did it. 12 points? No way. In Susana's dreams.

The TV debates will show Martinez for what she is. She has been hiding out so far and pretending to be a Democrat. She is nothing but a pawn of big Texas money and people are finally gonna get it.

Posted by: Dan from Socorro | Oct 3, 2010 3:27:41 PM

If you all can come up with a scenario where an incumbent like Denish with 100% name I.D. for the past 14 years can win DESPITE having only sub 40% support, then I'm all ears. Someone like Denish should have been in the lead at the very start, but she never was. EVER.

If you can find someone in recent political history who has closed a gap like that 30 days out, then I've got some water to sell to Texas. Ha ha.

Posted by: Norteno | Oct 3, 2010 3:28:07 PM

I am really from the North not like this jerk above and I've been talking to people. Many still believe Susana Martinez is a Democrat! Maybe because she pretends to be one so she can fool people who don't know better. She is nothing but a right wing Bush worshipper who gets her help from idiot Palin and that Texas real estate. When I tell them she is a republican they say oh no way would I vote for her now!

You can spin all you want Republicans but we are taking this one to the bank.

Posted by: Real Norteno | Oct 3, 2010 3:33:08 PM

Barb.. where do you come up with these trolls??

And a silly note.. If you can find one, please post a full view picture of Lt Gov Denish while she was here in San Juan Sat... she looked absolutely stunning in that outfit ....

Just shows what it takes to be a true New Mexican..

Forget the polls folks, look where the money came from.. Diane has not had to go out of state, while very nearly all of Martinez's money is Texas Gas and Oil.. DC beltway Tea Party wannabe's and let's not forget the biggest contribution in state history.. from the fine folks who brought you the Swiftboat ads...

Posted by: Claudia Anderson | Oct 3, 2010 3:39:16 PM

The spinning by Republicans is very funny. I hope they keep it up so they will be complacent and taken by surprise. Denish is not an incumbent in this race. Lt.governors are not well known among voters duh. What is driving this race up to now is Martinez's Spanish last name and that's it. Why do you think she hides out and won't debate on TV until late?

If Democrats don't vote and Hispanic Democrats get fooled Martinez will win and it will be a tragic day for New Mexico and all working people.

Posted by: Bennie T. | Oct 3, 2010 3:43:23 PM

This race is winnable. The polls are all over the place showing voters going back and forth as Ted Martinez says. Denish has to come on strong though and call a spade a spade in this race so people can see Martinez for what she is-a fake. Denish needs to jack up the energy on the left by showing her Democratic credentials and saying what she really believes. She can't keep mumbling along and refusing to be a strong Dem. Diane are you up to it?

Posted by: My 2 cents | Oct 3, 2010 3:53:39 PM

I just want to know what in the world Diane Duh-Neesh can do in the next 30 days that she hasn't done in the last 8 years? This close to Election Day, and she's getting beat bad. To paraphrase a recent book, New Mexicans just aren't that into her...

Posted by: BGar | Oct 3, 2010 4:41:11 PM

Here comes right wing operative BGar again. So predictable. Here's what Diane Denish can do that hasn't been done yet - completely expose Susana Martinez for the faker, liar and right wing extremist she is. I talk to voters every day and they don't know this yet but they will. Expose Susana, her ignorance and her extremism and all will fall into place. If you think this is "close to election" day you haven't been around long big boy.

Posted by: Sean | Oct 3, 2010 4:46:53 PM

Don't let the zombies win: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrkBC3ovx2I

Posted by: barb | Oct 3, 2010 5:17:47 PM

I've worked Albuquerque since August and there are strong loyal parts of Alb. that support Diane. Yes I'm sick of going out almost everyday and knocking on doors. I'm sure that people are sick of me too, but I'm doing my best to win. One thing for sure is that the GOP troll is using these polls to try to get the Dems to give up and not vote. I'm using the polls to let people know that Diane needs their support and votes now. It's working, so the GOP troll can continue to blast Diane, Richardson and Obama, because it helps the Democratic Party. The Tea Party is the best thing that happened to the Democratic Party, because they act like nuts.

Posted by: For Diane | Oct 4, 2010 9:02:06 AM

Hey GOP troll How come Martinez wasn't in the Las Cruces fiesta parade? Was she afraid to show her face? Diane got a great reception from the crowds there. Also why do you have the same people on the GOP float in every parade? They don't look like they are from New Mexico instead they look like that are whites from Texas? Is the GOP hiring actors to ride the floats?
We need a good laugh Barb. It's great that the GOP sees Democracy for New Mexico as a threat!

Posted by: For Diane | Oct 4, 2010 9:09:02 AM

More than half the people that supported Richardson and he gave jobs to and are working with him right now, are giving fund raisers for Susana. I don't blame them a bit! Diane? is she running for governor? I know Susana is

Posted by: M.Lucero | Oct 18, 2010 12:41:20 PM

Then your friends are very stupid. Martinez will cut state government down to nothing like education and Medicaid too. No projects anywhere either. What are your friends going to do for a living? Become maids and drivers for evil Susana and her rich Texas friends? They don't like to hire hispanic people unless they can own them like they will own Martnez.

Posted by: Real Norteno | Oct 18, 2010 1:56:49 PM

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