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Sunday, October 03, 2010

Democrats Launch Election Stretch Run in Doña Ana County

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Contributing writer Stephen Jones checks in with another report from Southern New Mexico.

Surrounded by his family, Andy Segovia, Democratic candidate for Doña Ana County Assessor called on Democrats to fight for good government and urged voters to get out and vote at a well attended fundraising event at Mesilla Park on Friday. “I’m running for County Assessor because I believe in public service,” Segovia said. “I believe in working for people.” 

Jose L. "Joel" Cano, Democratic candidate for Magistrate Judge, echoed Segovia and promised to bring fairness to the Doña Ana County Magistrate Court if elected in November. Segovia and Cano, countywide candidates in New Mexico’s second largest county, have been working hard to raise the visibility of county offices that are often overlooked by voters in state and local election campaigns in southern New Mexico. 

A Turnout Election
Stressing that the campaign is now a “turnout election,” State Representative Mary Helen Garcia, whose district includes Sunland Park on the far southern border of New Mexico, was on hand in Mesilla Park on Friday to help rally area Democrats for the final push to victory in November. She praised Segovia and Cano for their leadership in the County and called on voters to also stand behind the entire Democratic team. 

Rep. Garcia warned that Democratic values should trump surname when voters cast their ballots next month, and that Democrats should “Come out big, and bring five of your friends to the polls with you.”

We Are Going to Win This Thing
On Saturday morning Segovia and Cano joined State Representative Nate Cote at the meeting of the Doña Ana County Democratic Women and again stressed their shared themes of good government and effective leadership. “Compare my record to my opponent, and I’m sure you’ll agree that electing me is the right thing to do” said Cano.

Segovia stressed the importance of Democrats remaining on message with County voters and not to “get derailed” by desperate negative campaigning on the other side. “We are going to come out and we are going to win this thing,” Segovia said. “I promise to make you proud.” When elected Segovia promised that, “First of all I am going to listen. Second of all, my office will provide fair and equitable services."

Representative Nate Cote said Doña Ana and neighboring Otero Counties were well positioned to become major economic engines for all of New Mexico. “We have the educational facilities and the people here to succeed,” Cote said, “We need to continue to provide the leadership to develop the infrastructure and support for education we’ve already begun here. It’s important you help us get Democrats elected,” Cote told the group.

Rep. Jeff Steinborn: Rocking the Robledos
On Saturday evening State Representative Jeff Steinborn and Democrats turned out to rock the Robledos at a well attended fundraiser held at the foot of the Robledo Mountains in northern Doña Ana County near Radium Springs. Music by the Mountains was Steinborn’s major fall fundraising event as the election season enters high gear.

Besides the food and festivities at the affair, the crowd was treated to Jeff Steinborn on the drums performing for the Rhythm City Dogs, the headline band, and one of three musical acts that wowed the crowd on Saturday night. Besides standing up for good government in Santa Fe, Representative Steinborn is an accomplished musician.

Others on hand at Steinborn’s Music by the Mountains event were Segovia, Cano, Las Cruces Mayor Pro Tem Sharon Thomas and Las Cruces Councillors Gil Sorg and Nathan Small.

Photos by Stephen Jones. To see more posts by Stephen, visit our archive.

October 3, 2010 at 12:44 PM in 2010 General Election, 2010 Judicial Races, 2010 NM Legislature Races, By Stephen Jones, Contributing Writer, Democratic Party | Permalink


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