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Sunday, October 17, 2010

10/20: Fundraising Reception for Rep. Ben Ray Lujan in Santa Fe

Linda Siegle and Liz Stefanics
Host Committee
Virginia Vigil, Kathy and Brad Holian, Deborah Walker,
Spence Pacheco, Ana Pacheco, Todd McElroy,
Charlotte Roybal, Julianna Koob, Bernie Logue y Perea,
Dolph Barnhouse, Mary Ann Shaening, Donald Stout,
Chuck Higgins, Fred Sandoval, Conci Bokum and Frank Katz
Invite you to a Fundraising Reception
In honor of
Congressman Ben R. Lujan
Wednesday, October 20th, 5:30 pm -7:00 PM
Providing light snacks and wine
58 S. Federal Place, Santa Fe
Hosts: $100
Guests: $50 suggested
(all levels of donation gratefully accepted)

RSVP: Sean Marcus (505) 231-2422 or

Contributions should be made payabel to and can be sent to: People for Ben, P.O. Box 31129, Santa Fe, NM 87594. Credit card donations can be made through

October 17, 2010 at 09:24 PM in Events, NM-03 Congressional Race 2010, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (NM-03), Santa Fe | Permalink


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