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Friday, September 24, 2010
New Denish Ad: Martinez Spreads False Info and Isn't On Side Of NM Families
today launched a new TV ad (video above, transcript below) that pushes back hard against the discredited personal attacks by Susana Martinez against Diane Denish and her family, while highlighting Martinez’s desire to roll back protections for New Mexico families.
“Susana Martinez has chosen to lie about Diane Denish because she wants to distract New Mexicans from her real agenda -- letting corporations run wild, rolling back consumer protections and draining dollars from public schools,” said Denish spokesman Chris Cervini in a statement released today. The campaign also released a fact sheet documenting the claims made in its ad.
Of late, the Martinez campaign has been focusing much of its efforts on attacking Denish's family in TV ads and other communications. Inconveniently for them, the highly respected FactCheck.org, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, has completely undermined the claims being made by Martinez. In a piece refuting Martinez's charges, the organization goes into detail about the inaccuracy of claims made in several ads by the Martnez campaign, and sums up the situation this way:
... Martinez, a district attorney, uses circumstantial evidence to make her case in an ad that falsely accuses Denish of 'hiding a scandal' ... it is a scandal of the Martinez campaign’s making.
In other words, FactCheck.org found that Martinez's latest attacks ads are dishonest, and that she has continued to run them even after the true facts were revealed.
You Got to Dance With Them What Brung You
The new Denish ad also cites Martinez's intent to roll back important regulations that protect our families and our lands. As a 9/14/10 column in the Ruidoso News has discussed, “Her [Martinez's] one concrete proposal is to place a moratorium on all regulations enacted in the last few years ‘and allow the economy to have a jump start.’ All recent regulations? Even those with industry support? And this will jump start the economy?”
Martinez's "moratorium" would stop enforcement of important regulations like reforms for payday loans and mortgage companies, and protections for land and water. Is this what her much touted "bold change" would look like? Unfortunately, the answer is yes.
Why is Martinez so ready to abandon New Mexico's families and kiss up to moneyed interests? It just might be related to the fact that Martinez has received more than $600,000 in donations from Texas. Her big Texas donors include "Swiftboat money" from a wealthy land developer, $40,000 from a Texas investor and several thousand from Texas oil companies.
As dear departed political columnist supreme, Molly Ivins, famously said, "you got to dance with them what brung you." Clearly, Susana would be dancing away New Mexico's future with all those right-wing Texas bigwigs who have lavished her with cash.
Here is a transcript of the ad:
Another Martinez attack – first SHE bullied teachers, now MARTINEZ attacks Denish’s family. News organizations call Martinez’s ad false.
And Records show: Denish did what was right!
The truth?
Republican Martinez and her Texas backers would let corporations run wild
Martinez would:
Allow 400% interest on loans
Let families lose their homes to shady mortgage lenders.
And roll back regulations that protect our air and water.
Susana Martinez: not on the side of New Mexico families.
September 24, 2010 at 12:02 PM in 2010 NM Governor's Race, Children and Families, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, Political Ads, Susana Martinez | Permalink
What more can be said about Martinez and her being owned by rich outsider interests? Why would any New Mexican vote for her? She serves her corporation masters and that's it. She is against medical marijuana, supports polluters, wants to privatize the education system. She would be a disaster.
Posted by: Old Dem | Sep 24, 2010 12:59:06 PM
Why would any New Mexican vote for Susana? I voted for Jimmy Carter back in the day. If he didn't teach me the errors of voting Democrat, no one could!
Posted by: Laurie | Sep 25, 2010 6:16:53 PM
So Laurie I guess you love that Bush destroyed our economy, gave the store away to Wall Street, started an illegal war and abandoned the one we should have been fighting back then. You must also support giving huge tax breaks to the rich and creating a huge deficit that way by refusing to pay for the wars.
Posted by: Grayson | Sep 25, 2010 7:16:49 PM
Another attack against Susana. Wow, the dems don't learn their lesson.
These kind of ads give Susana more momentum.
Posted by: Northern Dem | Sep 27, 2010 12:07:31 AM
Northern Dem must not have watched the ad or read this post and links. It shows that the most dependable and respected fact checking organization in the nation found that Martinez was lying in her accusations about Denish so of course Denish is pointing that out. factcheck.org is a nonpartisan and neutral organization that researches claims made my candidates and they found Martinez was dishonest. That gives Martinez more momentum?
Posted by: Esq. | Sep 27, 2010 8:42:53 AM